Retired Moderator
Last night I finally lost it with Peppers. 5 times in a row I had to stop her from trying to bite the cats. Finally the last time I stomped into the livingroom and started to give her h*ll. She took one look at me and jumped up onto the couch and into my hubbys lap. She snuggled right down and just glared at me! (Of course hubby has to start clucking and stroking her.) I swear I could see this smug little bunny grin on her face!
Grrr. Ever since then...if I yell at her for something she heads straight for the hubby!! And she doesn't even like him! Won't even give him the time of day!!:X
What a little brat I have for a bunn!:X
What a little brat I have for a bunn!:X