Bad litter for Rabbits

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Jul 8, 2004
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA


i was at this one website and i do not rember what one it was and theysaid that Pine shavings litter is harfull to Bunnies and or Rabbits. itsaid that if they try eating it then they could get sick or it mayharem them. Becuase it is not good for them to eat it. so i wouldsuggest that if you are using it then i wouldSTOPbecasue is is not good for thgem atall and you would not want to harm them would you??????

Hi B&C,

Plenty of people do use pine shavings and as long as you do it properly, there are no ill effects from it.

If you havea solid-bottomed cage, you should really clean thepine shavings each day to be sure that the rabbit is never having to besubjected to sitting in wet shavings. In a drop-pancage (wire bottom) wherethe rabbit's don't ever have to sitin soiled shavings, it takes the pressure off of having to clean it asoften, however, you are aware that a rabbit must have a cleanenvironment to live in as it can be subjected to getting sick withoutthat.

Cedar shavings is the shavings to avoid because once the rabbiturinates on it, it releases a toxic fume to rabbits. You'rebest to stay away from pine dust as well, but I've known many peoplethat have used pine shavings and have had no incident.

This dispute has been around for some time now. Personally, Iuse a product called Woody Pet Animal Bedding that is a coupleof different types of woods made into pellets. I also use aproduce called Yesterday's News if I can't get the WoodyPet.

P.S. I also know of a couple of peoplethat use cat litter only in a drop pan (wire bottom cage)so that the rabbit never comes in contact with it. Manyrecommend not using cat litter as it can get stuck in the rabbits feetand if ingested can cause serious health does the dust ofthe cat litter when poured into the drop pan. If you were touse the cat litter, make sure the rabbit never touches the litter, Iwould never use it in a litterbox, and make sure the rabbit is far away(preferrably in another room) when you pour in the cat litter so thatthere's no chance that they'll inhale the dust.

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Excellent Article, Gabby!!:)

It's an article about the Myths of Pine Shavings.

oo carolyn..u use yesterdays news?? is it a goodlitter? I saw it around i think the petco or petsmart website before.PLease keep me updated about your litter
I do like Yesterday's News. Itis expensive though and I've used and been happy with WoodyPet. The difference is $15/bag compared to $4.99 for a 30lb. bag. If you have a Tractor Supply Company store near you,they sell it there, or you can go and find out wherein your area they sell it. If I can't get Woody Pet, Ialways get Yesterday's News.


wow $15.99 for a bag of yesterdays news?! wow ithink i saw it somewhere on petco or petsmart for like at least 4.99 orso..? i think i onlychcked up the price for a small one..? lol
Never had any kind of problems with the pine woodchips/shavings (not sawdust!). All I have used in nest boxesfor the last 5 or 6 years is the pine wood chips/shavings. Ifill the nest box pretty full with the pine. Mama has a ballscattering some of it all over, so I usually have to add a littlemore. I have kindled a good many kits in the dead of winterusing this in the nest an unheated building. Aslong as mama pulls at least some hair and lines the nest area with it,the kits are just fine.....even in very cold weather. Istarted using this when it became extremely difficult to get my handson good, clean straw.
I do the same with the pineshavings/chips. I use it to line the nest box bottom, itoffers good insulation when it is cold. The hay and fur go ontop and it works great in cold weather. I don't use litter asall have drop pans and they are emptied and cleaned eachweek. I do use cat litter on my inside cages.Always poured in another room. Since all have drop pans aswell, it keeps the oder way down. I have had 5 does withlitters in my back room, in the dead of winter, and you would neverknow 1 bunny was there. Cleaning is easy since most only useon corner, just clean out that mess, and respread the litter.Donna
I use plant fiber litter that they sell at Petco. Works really good and they can eat it if they want to. :D
Be careful of them eating things that they've urinated on, Lissa. It could make them sick.

Never heard of that product before. I'll have to check it out the next time I'm at Petco. :)

I rarely see them eating it. And whenthey do eat it, they don't choose to eat the litter withurine. I think the brand is something like Critter Country orsomething like that.

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