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Apr 9, 2014
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Hey everyone - I'm new to the forum - I wanted to get some opinions from other rabbit savvy people. We have an elderly boy, Dizzy (he's almost 10). Just before Christmas he started getting a little clumsy on his feet and started to fall over now and again, and I mean now and again, maybe 1 day in 14 he would fall over but he would always get back up on his own. More recently he seemed to lose the use of his back legs altogether where he couldn't hop at all.
We took him to the vet who checked him over and advised that we give him an xray. I'm very reluctant to give him an xray when he is so old and they don't cope well under anaesthetic. I asked to go away and think about it. She gave him an anti-inflammatory and some antibiotics. The next day he had improved ten fold. He was back on his feet and hopping around like normal. He's still a little wobbly but not even half as much as he was before. I've taken him back again today but the vet still seems convinced that he should have an xray. She hasn't actually told us what the thinks is the problem but I suspect she is thinking a break or a fractured spine. I know e.cunicula can sometimes can these symptoms and I'm still reluctant to put him under general anaesthetic at his age and especially when we have seen such a huge improvement in him overnight and again today, still hopping around and pretty much back to normal. He is eating and pooping and everything else absolutely fine - he does seem to be drinking more water than he would normally which does still make me think it could be e.cunicula. She gave him another anti-inflammatory and told us to come back on Friday. I know she will try and push the xray again but I'm reluctant until we've tried everything else that it could be. Has anyone experienced this before? I'm thinking maybe it could be arthritis but I'm not aware of anyone who has a rabbit that suffers with this and who can recover so quickly. Is this possible? Any advice? Obviously I don't want him to suffer but he doesn't seem to be, he's eating and seems perfectly happy in himself. I just don't want to put him under general anaesthetic, lose him to the anaesthetic and find that he didn't have a fracture or break of his spine after all. Thats the worry. Thanks xx
Others on here know more than me so will be interesting to see what they think. Can you tell if a rabbit has a fracture by feeling along the spine I wonder? I think there is a test for E. cuniculi. Can you vet give him the test for e. cuniculi and if it comes back clear, then it has to be something else so then maybe get the xray. Also, I recently had a experience with e.cuniculi and the bunny made a miraculous recovery- she was completely paralysed and the vet gave her a shot of injectable ivermectin, an injection of convenia, and a steroid all at the same time-- and in 30 hours she was totally normal again. Its been a month and she is still fine.
Maybe you could find a vet who doesn't require the rabbit to be anesthetized when they get an x-ray. The vet office I go to has three vets and I have seen to two of them for different issues with my rabbits. One does rabbit x-rays under anesthesia and another one doesn't. She just has a vet tech hold the rabbit down.
Sounds more like old age than anything broken. !0 years old is up there where a lot don't make it. With our elder buns, we've gone with anti inflamatories and pain relief but there is only so much that can be done--unfortunately you can't rewind the clock.
It could be something like spondylosis or an injury, and that is why you are seeing improvement with the anti inflammatory so quickly. An xray won't do much more than confirm if it is a back issue. I agree that a GA for a rabbit that age, is quite risky. I think I would only agree to an xray if it could be done consciously. Otherwise you could just go ahead and continue treating for a suspected back problem, since you are seeing improvement with this treatment already. If it is arthritis/spondylosis, you will most likely need to keep your rabbit on an anti inflammatory like metacam, long term.

If you are still worried about the possibility of EC, you could talk to your vet about doing a course of panacur, just to cover that possibility. You can have a blood test to check for it, but the problem you may encounter there is that many rabbits have been exposed to it already and will have a positive blood test even though they may not have an active infection currently.

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