Back in the saddle again...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Bloomfield, New York, USA
Weatherly has healed very well from her tendon injury and yesterday I decided to climb aboard (bareback) after a long period of recuperating. We just walked and practiced turning and stopping for 5 minutes in the rain but she was good... she managed to push me into the water trough (I use it for a mounting block as its sides are high enough that I can just slide a leg over Weatherly's back) and she looked pretty smug about that. It was muddy and raining and Weatherly was covered in mud so there was not much more she could do to me to get me dirty.

Her mom Dipper (who just celebrated her 23rd birthday on the 6th) was really put out that I did not ride her first so I had to climb aboard her (again, bareback) afterward and then Weatherly was put out - she came up to Dipper and me and reared up and squealed...then she took off at a muddy gallop. Dipper was a perfect lady even though she was only wearing a halter and two leadlines (I am not using a bit to start Weatherly - I start all my youngsters this way). And as a result, I am alive to tell the tale!

This AM I checked Weatherly's leg and she is still the same - no swelling, no heat....looking really good. We will ride tomorrow for 5 minutes - walking, stopping and turning. She is getting good at turning - she is a quick study.

Curse you females and being able to ride bareback!
It's great to see an injury like that healing up so well! Hope it continues that way!
LOL Dave... I was betraying my 44 years on this planet for a moment - swinging up and over and riding off into the mud.

It's great exercise for the legs, too!

Weatherly is still looking good - if I get a chance, I will hop on later for our walk, steer and stop session.

Weatherly has not been ridden tacked up - I start my youngsters bareback so they can feel exactly what a human on board feels like, and I start without a bit so they do not have to worry about something clanking them in the teeth...

DeniseJP wrote:
LOL Dave... I was betraying my 44 years on this planet for a moment - swinging up and over and riding off into the mud.

It's great exercise for the legs, too!

Weatherly is still looking good - if I get a chance, I will hop on later for our walk, steer and stop session.

good for weatherly! tho' im not sure my 43 year old legs are up to hopping and swinging.........:)
In my case, it was get on or get shoved back in the water trough, which is my mounting block and Weatherly thinks playing in the water is a lot of fun!

For a moment, despite a bad knee that needs a new ACL and elbows facing surgery to fix them (tennis/golfers elbow on both, many cortisone shots, physical therapy, massage therapy for 1.5 years has not helped so surgeon/orthopaedic doc (also my neighbor) said we have to talk about surgery since I am in a lot of pain still...but with no sick time at the moment, I am riding it out as best I can - surgery involves three to six weeks in a cast and physical therapy afterward - he will have to rewire the tendon and remove any damaged material.

For a moment, riding Weatherly, I was young again.:biggrin2: Maybe if Weatherly was cold hosing me and putting DMSO on my damaged tendons I might have had a better outcome... LOL

I'm glad to here shes getting better!

We start our youngsters with just halters and letting them get used to the big saddles, then go onto soft snaffle bits. In the western showing, they are allowed o show in the snaffle as a junior horse, then have to move onto a curb as a senior horse.

Anyways, Dipper sounds like a sweety. I bet you had alot of fun. :)
I got on Weatherly again last night - she was a bit more frisky... tossing her head and stepping out. She did turn and whoa...I got off, then remounted and we went through the routine again.

It was also later in the evening and everyone was thinking "Dinner." I had to defend my personal space as Weatherly and Freedom were crowding me after tearing down the field at me...but they know I won't run and will swat their noses if they think they are going to take me out.

Sometimes, I just gotta let the youngsters know who is the alpha mare...

DeniseJP wrote:
...but they know I won't run and will swat their noses if they think they are going to take me out.

Sometimes, I just gotta let the youngsters know who is the alpha mare...

LOL do they per chance know my choc labs and the dogs i look after?:biggrin2:
Today was a day of bonding and worshipping the alpha mare... I am the one that can get all the itchy spots that horses can't reach.:biggrin2: Freedom will swing her butt at me and want to be scratched...she stamps a front foot if I am not fast enough...


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