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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Oh... my... god....

I never want to go through what I have been going through since yesterday EVER agan.I was fine last night! A bunch of you guys saw me on here posting, I felt great. I woke up at 4am this morning with stomach pains so severe, it felt as if my stomach was about to explode.

I got up, used the bathroom, barely made it to the bed, and layed down in so much pan, for the first time in my life, I actually thought I was going to die! The pain was unimagineable.I was so lightheaded and dizzy and nauseated, words can't descrbe it.

So, I layed in bed hunched over wth a heatng pad until I couldn't take it anymore around 8am. I went to the Emergency Room where a bunch of unhelpful nurses dosed me up wth pain medicine and nausea medicine, ect.

I just got home an hour ago, after no one could tell me what was wrong, they just "assumed" it was a bad stomach bug that's been gong around. Oh. My. God. If it's a stomach bug, the [bleepin] thing must be the size of an elephant. ;)

I'm feeling somewhat better, my stomach is almost not cramping. I'm doped on pain meds and nausea meds, and something that's supposed to relax my intestines.

Hopng this crap is gone soon, oh man. I never want to go through this again!
Did they consider appendicitus? My dad went through the same thing about 2 years ago, and they ultimately had to remove his appendix. Hope you feel better!

Sorry you had such a bad day. Did they even bother to run any tests or anything?I had the same thing last year (not nauseated though, just abdominal pain) and I thought it was my appendix. I went to the hospital and they found out i had ovarian cysts and one had ruptured. What are was your pain in?

Hope youre feeling better..

I had something like what you are describing about 2 years ago. I felt fine and then all of a sudden I was cramping and wanted to curl up and die. If one more person had asked if it was my period I probably would have gone off on wait I couldn't move! :( I had the worst stomach cramps for days, I couldn't eat anything or I'd throw up, I couldn't even keep down water for pete's sake! It started on a Saturday and my doctor gave me till the next Friday and then if I wasn't better he was going to hospitalize me! I actually lost 15 pounds! (I am totally phobic of hospitals and needles!) So when he started threatening to hospitalize me I was freaking! I was so dehydrated by the end!!:( I couldn't even sleep because the pain was so bad! They never did figure out what it was...they *think* it was some sort of bacterial infection...they told me it was contagious and told me not to go to work! Well duh...I couldn't even stand up!!!:?

Anyway even if it isn't the samething...I know howyou feel!!:( I hope you start feeling better soon!!


Drink lots of fluids or as many as you can keep down!!

They didn't even run any tests. The pain is all over my stomach, it feels like the most horrible stomach ache you can imagine, times 10. My stomach is starting to hurt again right now... ugh!
Try taking some Imodium AD. You probably will pass a lot of gas.

I hope you feel better! Can you put little Harper on your bed to snuggle and cheer you up? I do this with Basil and he snuggles with me :) Thats always makes me feel better.;)

Certainly hope you are feeling better!!!!! I'm sure you can now relate as to what GI stasis must feel like :(

For those who suggested tests -- do remember that testing is very expensive. Our total bill for an emergency room visit and tests this spring for daughter Stephanie was $5000. Ended up that she just had a flu bug -- but they had suspected meningitis because she was so ill.

Now that you mention it, it could be gas. I had extreme stomach pain once, and the doctor told me to take GasX. I was feeling better very soon. I hope you get the same outcome:)
Have you been able to eat anything? I had gallbladder problems and had severe nausea and pain about 10min to 1hr after I ate. I guess that is not the normal symptom it is after people eat sweets but it took a week of hospitalization and tests to diagnose it. Finally, my general practitioner came in and said "oh , I guess you do have something wrong" jerk. If the heating pad is helping try simethicone it comes in adult doses also. It tends to upset your stomach and intestines less than the immodium. I can't remember but I read somewhere about some stimulant that is in that and peptobismol but atleast the pepto would help with the nausea. Do you have IBS........ if so then it won't because the gas will cause the nausea or the irritation in your intestines will cause the nausea. I learned the hard way that when you experience a lot of pain your body reacts by you being nauseated. OK as usual I have babbled long enough. Drink a lot of liquids and toast or crackers. Do you have a temp? Definitely call your doctor Monday morning. Hang in there. I will be thinking of you.:bed:get some rest!!!:hug2
Hey guys. Well, I feel better today somewhat. Stomach still hurts off and on, but not as bad. It feels like gas, with bad cramping. I'll be okay for a while, thenI get this bad cramping that will double me over.

Plus, everytime I eat, about 2 minutes later, I'm running to the bathroom. I'm eating real bland though, to keep things settled.

I have hadsome nausea,but I'm not throwing up, so that's a good sign. I'm spending the day in bed. I've got my laptop, my cell phone, tv, xbox, and a bunch of dvd's, LOL.

Pam, you said exactly what I was thinking all day since yesterday: So this is what GI Stasis feels like? Oh my god, my poor baby! Harper had t a few months ago... so this is what he was feeling when he was hunched over grinding his teeth... my poor little man. I now have a much better understanding of GI Stasis, now that I've gone through this.

Anyhoo, yesterday I was living on Tylenol, every 4 hours just to keep the pain somewhat under control. However, I haven't taken any Tylenol since 1am... so it's been, going on 12 hours with no Tylenol. And I've got minimal pain, compared to yesterday. I still have a few flare-up's of pain, but they go away after about 5 minutes of relaxing on my side. So, this is all a good sign. Hopefully by tomorrow, this will be nothing but a bad memory!

You know what it must be going around, early Satmorn and all daysun, I woke up at 6am with bad pains in my tummy, could not do nothing, so I soaked in a hot tub about 15 mins later I had 4 massive cases of diarrhea, felt like it all day long sunday, yesterday was manageble where I could eat

I knew it was not my IBS but my tummy can't handle humidity at all. I can handle heat without humidity. You should see a doctor you could have some kind of tummy problems like colon colitist or IBS.
SweetPea, I am MUCH better today. No cramps or anything. I talked to two friends, both in different states, and both had the same thing you and I had. Bad cramping, diarrea, was in bed during the weekend because of it. I think it was a bad stomach bug.

My diet has been horrible the past few months, and I think the mix of greasy and fried foods, way too much soft drinks (sometimes a 6 pack a day!) did me in.

I totally changed my diet since Friday, and will continue to do so. I'm eating healthy, cut out the soft drinks and fried foods, and I'm even working out now. I've lost 5 pounds since this past weekend from being sick, so I've got a good head start, LOL.

Me too, my diet was good for awhile, then instead of subway the good stuff we hit greasy foods like wendy's, mcdonalds, and arbys. Plus the heat on top of it. I am great today. I can handle alot of pops but I don't chug it down no more like I used too.
This sounds exactly like what my mom had. She got checked out and it was a bowel infection. It was viral so there was nothing she could do about it. She just had to wait 2 or 3 days for it to pass.
Jordi, that's what I did. Layed around and waited for it to pass, since the ER didn't give me any meds. I'm so glad it's gone, even though I'm still getting an occasional "gas" pain, but nothing major.

SweetPea, this was really an eye opener to my diet. Cause at the ER, they were like, "Any greasy foods? Fried foods? Fattening foods? Soda's? Milk products?"

I'm like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Oooops! LOL. Lots of ice cream and soda's and fried foods and fattening foods. Jeesh, no wonder my stomach got sick. I'm thinking either a bug, or maybe gastritis from a 6-pack of Sprite in one day. All that carbonation... yikes.

I've definitely turned my diet around though, and will continue to do so. Been making myself fruit smoothies (just fruit, ice,and water, no added sugar, ect.) to snack on, and they are delicious. I love my smoothie maker, LOL.

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