Baby Gas Meds

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score
Sacramento, California, USA
I was about to go pick up some baby gas meds. But I have a few questions before I do. What should I look for? How much should I dose for a 4 lb rabbit and how often?

Ugh I might have to bring Harvey back to the vet. What a headache.
Active ingrediant should be Simethicone.

I buy CVS brand of infant gas meds.

Dosage:1 cc

I've given every 2 hours in extreme cases.
It's always a good idea to keep a first aid kit for your buns.

I keep most of my stuff in an old wooden silverware box. Looks nice and is well suited to the task.
I've got stuff like neosporin, children's ibuprofen, infantgas meds, benebac, q-tips, saline solution, clippers, scissors, tweezers, syringes, etc.

here's the RO library thread for some good info

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