Baby eating moms veggies

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2011
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Fort Worth, Texas, USA
What do I do? Am I going to have to separate them? I thought they weren't supposed to eat veggies till they are much older???

I just let mine eat the veggies with their mom with no problems.

But if you're worried about it, could you put the veggies in a hay rack or food ball or something high up out of their way? Or take the mom out for a while to feed her her veggies twice a day?
I bought a cage and put them in it and I will feed mama and then let them out after she's been able to eat. How do you introduce water and at what time?
I just leave a water bottle in the cage and the babies will copy mom when they're ready.

I don't use a water bowl at first in case they hop into it and get chilled.

But when they're older (4-5 weeks) they're drinking and eating so much that I use a water bowl aswell. But I still use a bottle so they know how to use one when they go to their new homes.
I tried it with Giggles and her baby Rolo because I wanted him to start nibbling young but he had really soft poops after so I got very nervous. I took Giggles out and gave her hers to eat on her own and then put her back in. Now they are separate due to his age but he still has tummy issues so I am taking it very slowly. I guess it all depends on how the babies react. If Rolo hadn't had such soft poops, I'd have let him continue on. :)Just make sure to check on them more often in case any get tummy issues. :)
Oh oops, I saw that you already solved that. Lol. Yeah, the babies will mimick their mum when it comes to drinking so you shouldn't have a problem :)
I bought the cage put them in it and added a water bottle and they started drinking from it the same day. They were 3 weeks old yesterday.

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