Myquestion today is when can I start intoducing other foods/treats intoher diet, particularly oats, papaya tablets, cherrios, raisins andbananas. She is already eating one small piece of cilantro aday and she really likes it.
Start slow, and only introduce one thing at a time. Try toleave the high sugar/carb stuff out until she's older, as her digestivesystem is more sensitive. Many people haverecommended that rabbits under 6 monthsshould not be fed greens or fruit. I started Mocha on smallbits of greens at 9 weeks, and she was fine.
Also, the potty training thing is not going well at all. Ithought younger bunnies were supposed to be easier to train.:?
IMO a myth. Some are easy to train and stay trained, someare easy to train but lose it at puberty, and some just never trainthat well.