Just an update on the baby bunny that we rescuedfrom the hawk...I have been feeding kitten formula and warm water mixin a dropper. It goes to the bathroom on it's own, so no worries there.This morning, I fed kitten formula, water and some garden vegetablebaby food. He/she loved it! This evening, I decided to try offering aleaf of romaine lettuce again...he/she started chomping away! Yay!He/she is kicking its back legs a bit now, but still not much on thefront. He/she (okay, I promise I will try to sex it soon! LOL) stillhas one eye 'glued' shut and I have been applying warm wet cloths to itin hopes of letting it open. The hawk may have damaged it. He/she seemsto be a bit better every day. Thank you all for all the info here...ithas helped greatly!