Baby Bun Nutrition

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Proper Baby Feed

  • Free Choice Grass Hay & Pellets

  • Free Choice Alfalfa Hay & Pellets

  • Free Choice Grass Hay & Measured Pellets

  • Free Choice Alfalfa Hay & Measured Pellets

  • Other (please post your idea)

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New Member
May 27, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Colorado, Colorado, USA
So my rabbit is 8 weeks old and I am hearing all kinds of input on what is the proper diet for her. Being that she is my first bunny so young I was unaware of all of best way to feed a baby. I have read that it is good to feed them free choice alfalfa up until they are 6-7 months and to also give them free choice pellets. She is coming from eating a bowl full of pellets in am and pm, free choice grass hay, and a bowl of fruits and veggies in the evening. I am kind of thinking that free choice pellets and alfalfa seems like a bit much. But maybe that's what she needs. Opinions and comments?
You need to be careful feeding a lot of fruits and veggies to a rabbit this young, however if they have been properly introduced (slowly and 1 at a time ) and she is having normal poops you can continue this.
I believe that I am correct in saying that if the doe had been fed a variety of veggies prior to birth and the babies had nursed for an approriate length of time that the babies will have developed the microorganisms in their GI tracts to be able to break them down.

If a bun comes from unknown circumstances I would wait until at least2-3 months months to begin to very very carefully introduce veggies.Young rabbit have very delicate GI tracts and often can problems.

It is true that a rabbit this young should have free fed pellets and hay .I would give a mix of both timothy and alfalfa however plain alfalfa hay in a young rabbit is fine also.

if you are getting nice firm big poops you are on the right track. :)
Mine wouldn't eat alfalfa hay, I started him off with Timothy (cuz I couldn't find alfalfa) once I tried the alfalfa he always left it there - the pellets I feed are the alfalfa (he's about 16 weeks old now)
A young developing rabbit should be on limited hay so it's getting enough nutrients from other sources such as pellets and not filling up on low nutrientroughage. (This would be like feeding a human baby Metamucil as the major portion of their diet - they'd develop a nutritional deficiency.)

Fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and carbs are very important at this age.

Hay as the major portion of the diet limits nutrients which are very important at this age of growth and development.

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