Babies two weeks old today

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2007
Reaction score
port orchard, Washington, USA
My lionlop babies are two weeks old today and they are hopping all over and starting to show some personality. I am so excited I think I have two girls and two boys. I already have my favorite he is the male tort and he has a mohawk, so cute. He also is constantly twitching, you touch him and he goes crazy. I am in love. WEll I also have some new pictures for everyone:

my fave: tort male

tort female:

hopefully both whites turn out to be BEW's. fingers crossed.



Oh andI would also appreciate any name suggestions.I can't think of any. So fire away.

Right now their eyes are to dark to for me totell. In Sherbert's last litter we had a BEW but I could not even really tell until she was much older, I think it waslikesix weeks old. I don't really remember. She got returned to me last week at only five mothes old and you can definatly see her blue eyes now. She is so pretty. I just hope they look lik her.

They are GORGEOUS! They look so poofy and sleepy/grumpy, I love baby bunnies!

I'll have to think about names if you want some, any sort of names you like? flowers, gods, etc?
the torts-butterscotch, butter finger, brownie, coco, hazel, maple.

the whites-moon beam, moon shine, pearl, daisy, star, star shine.

whatda think?
Well the little tort male I have been calling Moe because of is mohawk. But I realy like Hazel for the female tort and Daisy for the white female, so the only one left is the white male. Thanksfor the names ladybug.


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