I have a litter of four babies, two of them are fabulous ( maybe even too chubby ), but the other two are skinny( not peanuts) idk what to do? Plz help?!?!?!?!
I honestly let nature take its course. Sometimes the babies continue to grow and feed but are just smaller than their siblings sometimes they become too weak to nurse and pass. I have had horrible luck with hand feeding babies so I no longer attempt it.
If you feel the need to supplement people suggest using KMR and or goats milk.
Here is a google search on different things you can use to supplement: https://www.google.com/#q=baby+rabbit+milk+mix
Hey my mom's coworker has a rabbit who is going to have babies and she wants to keep them for 6 weeks for some time for the babies to grow apart from their mom but I need some help. First: the babies I were told where long eared rabbits but when I looked it up online it said "Lop eared" is that a different breed or am I getting the name wrong and Second: am I going to need alpha hay or something for the babies? Please help me!
you can take away the two fatties for a feed or two, it won't hurt them.
you feed the babies whatever you are feeding mom. That's what would happen in the wild too. greens,hay, pellets, grains.. whatever you feed mom the babies will be fine with.