Babies grown up

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
Well, I've been hearing about some of Bub's brothers and sisters, and all seems well!

Baby 1, the infamous Isabella, is massive and looks just like mum Tank.The dewlap on that girl!!!! She's "recovering" from an attitude problem:pand was transferred outside. She seems much happier, asthere is less noise and chaos there. Very handsome and dignified (lookslike Elf!!), but some faint "smut" on the ears and rump, and she hasblack lashes. Not breeding stock, but she never will be bred, so that'sok.

Baby 2, Chester, has grown out of all recognition--and here I figuredhe'd be a little guy! No spraying, mounting, or other bad habits, and Ibelieve they said his fur is clear orange without smut. He's quitefriendly and is going to the 4-H fair with his 10-yr.-old owner thissummer.

Baby 7, his sister Gaia, is at the same place and is also healthy andlarge, but somewhat skittish about handling. Toenails are a nightmare,I'veheard.She's going to the fair too.

Baby 4, Stonewall Jackson, is placid and immensely fat. No, I'm nothappy about that!! If he was mine, I'd slim him down. Grrr. But hisowner says he is great. He was the largest of the litter by far, andcontinued in the same path!

Babies 3 and 8 are doing well, but no specifics on them (or names) and I haven't seen them.

Babies 5 and word.:?They were the breeder's fee, and also no word on mum Tank at the same place.

And baby 6 is doing just fine. :pHappy,healthy, smart, funny, disgusting, affectionate, obnoxious, huggy,kissy, spraying,



Oh, how they've GROWN!!!






Wow, those are cute babies! And a cute Bub, too.The shoe pic kind of remind me of the baby golden hamsters I had onceas a kid. They got to play in the gi joe and He-Man buildings and such.I wish we had taken pictures, but they grew up and went to new homes sofast! They were lots of fun considering the shock I had when I foundthem- 3 days after bringing their mother home!
Thanks for the update, and wonderful pictures! They were all so cute :inlove:

And what a stunning, absolutely, no-doubt-about-it, gorgeous boy Bub is:


You do realize you're making me fall completely in love with Palominos, right?
It's great to hear how the other 'babies' aregetting along. It's amazing seeing the baby pictures and then seeingBub as he is now. I am so pleased that you kept him instead of Isabella- he seems like his personality is more like Bunbuns than hers is. Ihave never seen a Palomino in the UK, which is a shame 'cos they areone beautiful breed.

LuvaBun wrote:
It's great to hear how the other 'babies' are getting along.It's amazing seeing the baby pictures and then seeing Bub as he is now.I am so pleased that you kept him instead of Isabella - he seems likehis personality is more like Bunbuns than hers is. I have never seen aPalomino in the UK, which is a shame 'cos they are one beautiful breed.


Oh, I am soooo happy I kept Bub instead, much as I loved Isabella. Heis just like Bunbun (yes, good and bad :p), and I still find myselfcalling him Bunbun occasionally.

Too bad they aren't in the UK!!! They are so much fun. But definitely not :angel:.


Look at those cutiepies!:love:Everytime I see that picture of Bubbitting the cage, I chuckle - he is such a spoiledlovablething. Gotta love those malerabbits!:muscleman: While Flemish arestill my favorite - the Palominos are running a close 2nd.Very close.
Jenniblu wrote:
Look at those cutie pies!:love:EverytimeI see that picture of Bub bitting the cage, I chuckle - he is such aspoiled lovablething. Gotta love those malerabbits!:muscleman: While Flemish arestill my favorite - the Palominos are running a close 2nd.Very close.

my fuzzy macho man! His cage antics keep me laughing.....even if his spraying games drive mummy up the wall!;)

Hey, why choose favorites (Flemmy or Pal)? Own lots and lots of both! hehe:D(I am so shameless!:p)

Elf Mommy wrote:
Any chance they would email you pictures of Isabella? Itwould be cool to see her and compare her to Elf. :)

I agree. Next time I go out there, I'll try to bring the camera!

Thanks!! Imagine my surprise when I found the long-awaited litter contained NINE, not four, kits!!! Piles of

It's fun to look back now. They were like little handfuls of sunshine,bright orange and cream. Now they are big armfuls of sunshine.:pThe babies will be one year old on June 12, and weigh anaverage of 10 lbs. or so. I miss them all being here with me, but Ihave my "pick of the litter", Bub, and I'm happy.



m.e. wrote:
You do realize you're making me fall completely in love with Palominos, right?
Me too! Me too!! We are thinking of getting another Flemish, but it may turn into getting a Palomino.


rabbitgirl wrote:
Hey, why choose favorites (Flemmy or Pal)? Own lots and lots of both! hehe:D (I am so shameless!:p)

Yes you are shameless. I'm trying not to order more chickensright now...:? The Pal pics are also not helping.:p

cirrustwi wrote:
m.e. wrote:
You do realizeyou're making me fall completely in love with Palominos, right?
Me too! Me too!! We are thinking of getting another Flemish, but it may turn into getting a Palomino.


YES!!! YES!!!!! Woohooo!!!!

Get a boy, definitely. hehe:DBut be warned, they are SMARTlittle stinkers. Not at all lazy either, so the combination means:watch out for trouble!

Would you be looking for a neutered rabbit? Because my squirt sprays!!If it weren't for wanting to breed later.....:Xsnip snip!

ohhh yes, definitely get a little golden boy!

Jenniblu wrote:
rabbitgirl wrote:
Hey, why choose favorites (Flemmy or Pal)? Own lots and lots of both! hehe:D (I am so shameless!:p)

Yes you are shameless. I'm trying not to order more chickensright now...:? The Pal pics are also not helping.:p


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