Aurora 369 correct about the shelter rabbit

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Nov 30, 2005
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Well I took Spunky to the vet thinking that hehad snuffles, allergies or ? The doctor did a thorough exam and Spunkyis completely healthy , just makes pecuiar little noises so he is backat the shelter and I am relieved.
That's very good news.:elephant:I know he just started doing this...or at least Ionly noticed it for the past week. Thank you for taking himto the vet Maureen. Bless your heart. :hug:
Yay!! I'm so excited to hear that!! Iknow the noises they make can be kinda of scary some times, but veryinteresting.

Wildfire comes up with new ones all the time, and sounds very much like a chicken some times. Cracks me up everytime.

Like I told Lissa Spunky just did all hisgasping and squeaking for the vet because I think that he does thiswhen he is frightened. It does seem, though, that he is doing itmorethan heever did before. We have himout of cat adopt now and in the room that he used to be in so maybe hewill calm down.
Dawn we had a female rabbit at the shelter oncethat used to sort of cackle..I never heard such a sound out of a rabbitbefore. I actually wish that they did have a "voice" because that isone of the things about bunnies that breaks my heart...they can't letyou know what they need .
I found that with Wildfire, the longer I haveher and the more comfortable she feels, the more noises, and the higherthe intensity of the noises she makes.

She gets so mad now if I move any thing in her cage now, grunts andsquaks at me... But she would never make those noises when Igot her in the summer.

She also doesn't make noises for other people. If someoneelse moves stuff in her cage she ignores them. Everyonethinks I'm nuts cause she only "talks" to me.

Is that a picture of Wildfire in youravatar? She is such a pretty bun, love her color.her name certainly does fit her! Beckie

Angie.... So glad to hear Spunky is in good health!!!!
How funny! SugarBear talks to himselfa lot - and now Puck has taken up the habit too. Since I'm abreeder - it used to freak me out because they sound a little bit likea baby when they do it...and I'd go running into the room to see whathappened. Now I'm used to it.

Heaven forbid Tiny ever starts those noises...if they are deeper basedon size...I'd probably think he was a railroad train coming through thehouse at full speed!

Anyway - I'm glad you got it figured out!

:)The vet said that since Spunky hasbeen in the same surroundings for awhile he may be getting morecomfortable and vocalizing more. I really think that since we moved hiscage from the small animal room to the cat adopt room that he has beenmore UNCOMFORTABLE and has been vocalizing more. I moved the cagesmyself several weeks ago ,happy that the rabbits were getting moreexposure and more contact with the public. I think that I have knownfor awhile that Spunky was stressed out in that room but I have justbeen too busy to move him back. He is back in the small animal room nowand I hope that he calms down. I am so frustrated that more peopledon't love rabbits like we do. Spunky is so cute and lovable I justdon't understand why he has not been adopted.....I just don'tunderstand the universe and why animals with pure souls are discardedlike this. I don't understand the meaning of anything.....

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