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JAK Rabbitry

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
Freedom/Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
So I went to clean her box today and guess what I found.




I did breed Cym a while back but I didn't think she took. These babieslook to be about 2 days old, judging by their peach fux (omg I lovepeach fuzz). She was bred to a really nice blue buck, I am attempting ablue-eyed blue. this particular blue dutch threw a blue doe with a blueeyespot in his last litter so I thought it might be a good start.
I've never seen a more misfit lot of dutch rabbits, but omigosh arethey BEAUTIFUL! They remind me of paint horses! I think they're simplygorgeous.
The one i'm holding seems to be my favorite at the moment. I didn'tfiddle around with thtem too muhc, Cym was growling at me. She wouldn'teven let me clean.

So.....who wants one? They should be ready to go by begining of free delivery to Ohio Convention!




will you name it moo for me?
well, i don't know how herman would like that. . . so i will have to pass. . .

name him what you want. . .but he will always be moo to me!
UPDATE - 3/6/07 - All 5 babies are still aliveand very fat. But it's too cold to take pictures. I'm afraid ot evenopen the box but I have to check on them...just a peek. As soon as thelid on the box cracks Cymry is THERE. " You messin' wit muh babies,dawg?"

The ENd.
Aww, glad they are well. Tell Cym she has pretty babies.
Ok so I took the ''moo'' baby out yesterday andtook him upstairs to play with and do a photo shoot. He's at thatcrawling shaking stage. Still blind and deaf but his pretty white andblack fur makesh im look so sharp. I guess i'll be following his andthe life of his siblings here.

I got to look them over yesterday and turns out that though 3 havenormal dutch markings, only one is actually showable. But I didn'tbreed these guys for show.

The moo baby curled up on my chest and went to sleep a lot. And hewouldn't hold still on his own so taking pictures was rough. He wasalmost as bad as my Belgians.

ok so pictures:







The End.
:bunnydance:So cute!:bunnydance:
awwwww they're adorable if you lived inaustralia or I lived in USA I would take moo, so cute, the first picwhen he/she was a tiny bub he/she looked like a little piggie, so cute
i heart the moo baby. . .

totally adorable!
Awwwww .....MooBunny!!!!!

Any blue eyes yet? Huh? Are there? C'monBLUE EYES!! I don't care how slim a chance...I WANNA SEE BLUEEYES!!!!! C'mon babies...ok, on the count of three,everybody do this: :shock: Ready?One.....two.....THREE!! LOOK FAST...see any blue?!?!?!

Hehe...let me know when their eyes start opening, ok? I'm all for that 1% chance...:D
Heh, ok well they should be opening their eyeswithin the next 2 days or so. And it'll still be hard to tell the eyecolor because like babie, bunnies have lots of of blueness going on intheir eyes when they're babies. But i'll do my best. It's supposed tofinally be getting warm now so I can spend more time with them and notworry about them freezing.

I live int he USA, but quite close to Canada. Are ytou sure you don't want one?

One of the cow babies. ''moo'' as RO has dubbed him, has blue eyes. Theother cow has one blue eye. And I think one of the blacks has a bluering around one pupil. The others are ''normal''.

Erron and I moved out into a new house. Its pleasant. I'll post picssoon, But I can't hook my computer up at new house because it's reallyold and built back in like, the 30's so it doesn't have any 3prongoutlets. Which means no computers. I've been living there over a weekand I just got hot water today. yay. No more going over mum's to shower.

I have most of the bunnies moved, I still have 20 at mum's house + 2litters. I ran out of rabbitry cages to put them in in my rabbitry. I'mgoing to sell off some hutches and use that money for stacking cages.

I also have two new additions since friday. I went to an auction andmanagedto come home with another blue-eyed black dutch (whomI plan to breedt o Cymry later) and a blue-eyed blue dutch. They aren'tnamed yet but pics soon, maybe tomarrow. I'll start a new threat withhouse and bunny and horse pics and all that jazz.

My french lops had their babies, I forget if I posted about it already.Paris had 3 REWs, a steel, and an Opal. And she peed on everyone so nowmy REWs look like palominos. yuck.
And my other FL Trixie had 3, 2 chestnuts and a steel, and the steelcrawled out of the nest one night and got cold and died. lucky me.

Seth loves the new house. And he loves horses. And he likest o stare atthe gap between stall walls and the floow and watch the piles of haymove as they are munched and he gets all confused and scared and hopsaround like amoron.

Erron and I went shopping for house stuff today and I made him buy moreboxers since walmart had quite an assortment. We came home and put apair on Seth and he layed on the couch with his legs spread whilewearing the shorts and we thought it was so funny. We put them onbackwards and put his tail through the potty hole in the front.Probably the funniest thing i've seen all day.

The End.

Yay! Jesse's back!

I have missed your antics girl! I'm so happy for you and Erron.

Um, you can go get a surge protector or power strip,some have3 prongs, we've got one:). I plug the vacuum into it as ourhouse has the two prong outlets and this is the closest, we have an oldhouse too!

You can also install 3 prong outlets, we had to do that in our kitchenfor the dishwasher.Something you could do down the road.:D
Oh, MAN!!! I wish we lived evenremotely close to you, Jesse...Danny could TOTALLY upgrade things's so dang easy, too!! ARGH!!!! (And wewould do it free, too, hehe!! We wuf the Jesse...)

Anyway, can't wait til you're able to hook up your 'puter and we can chat again...I miss my Jesse time!! :(

Hope to talk to ya soon...and I'm SO HAPPY that things are going well...

Did you get pics of Boxer-clad Sethie?????

