At a lost

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
Reaction score
Hankinson, North Dakota, USA
So, just got Thumper. His previous owners said he was
Good , no biting around kids etc. well I get him and he's biting
And showing aggressiveness. Could this be cause he's not used to
Us yet? Or could the owners not be telling me the truth? I'm behing
To wonder. Yesterday I went to check on his hay and he jumped at
Me. Today I went to feed him the pellets ( just put in there) and he was
Fine with it. Starting eating them right away. Went back talking to him as
I aproch the cage like always and picked him up ( which he kicked
A little but wonce I could get him against my body be was ok) when I
Put him back in he decided he was going to tip his bowl of pellets over?
Sign of being mad? Then left him alone, ate myself tried again told hold him.
He as ok to pick him up this time. :) but tried to give him a treat and be lunged
At me every time I tried and bit me. I cleaned up my finger
That was dripping blood all over and tried the treat as I'm holding him and he did better. ( no lunging) I'm at a lost on what to do or how to break him
From this.

Sorry this got long.
Not knowing Thumper's circumstances or how he was treated/handled in his previous home, its hard to say how he "normally" would act. Given that he is in a new environment, with unfamiliar visuals, smells, people, etc., he is naturally going to be stressed and edgy. I would give him a wide berth for a while and give him time to adjust before handling him. Use extra slow movements and try to avoid reaching into his pen/cage unless necessary (but when you do, again approach slowly and reach in slowly, always coming in from an angle where he can clearly see you). Talking to him in a calm, soothing voice will help him get familiar to you as well.

I am sure the folks here will have lots of advice and help. Good luck!!
Was he used to being picked up and handled by his previous owners? Most rabbits do not like being picked up (their insticts tell them they're about to get eaten as the only thing that would pick them up in the wild would be a predator).
Moving to a new house with a new cage and possibly a new diet is very stressful. He probably needs time to adjust to his new surroundings. Try bonding with him on his terms. Get down on the floor with him and ignore him (I recommend reading a good book). Let him approach you on his own and smell you out rather than you coming to him. Sometimes I relax on the floor with my rabbits and a dish of their pellets next to me or I'll just feed them out of my hands.

Is he neutered? Neutering can also help reduce hormonal issues.
They told me that he was great with them and
Their kids. thumpers diet hasn't changed. He was given
Veggies ( as they say) and pellets. ( just that I isn't have pellets right away)
So nothing has changed in diet.

In order to let him run around I would have to bring
Him in as he is a outdoor bun. However, when I walk out later at night
When it's cooler he's out in his cage and stands up on
His cage and stands on his back legs an tucks his feet in.
He seems to be ok just not liking to be picked up. I tried the treat
With him after I picked him up to socialize its OK but didn't work out so well.
Had my finger as a treat instead. Lol
Forgot to mention. He is ok with us petting him in his
Cage but to try and pick him up is a different story.

Previous owners said they picked him up and there kids too and Thumper was
Ok with that.
Was he an outdoor rabbit before?
Personally I let my rabbits come out of their cage on their own terms, but their cage sits at floor level and they have free run access in my bedroom when I'm home.

Try offering him treats (I just use pellets for this, my rabbits think they are a treat) without picking him up. He needs to learn to trust you and so far it sounds like he doesn't.
Yes Thumper is an outdoor bun. I tried treats to socialize that it was
Ok to be held and a reward. I don't want to give him a "treat" if
I'm not picking him up otherwise he might get confused.
I tot iced that after I tried to do this he's not
Eating as much as he has. I also noticed that
He is tipping his pellet bowl but leaving the veggie
Bowl alone. Another sign of something??
I know plenty of animals that won't take food if they're being held. Start small and work up to being held. Just coming up to you is a behavior to be rewarded. Not biting you is a behavior to be rewarded. Allowing you to be in his presence is a behavior to be rewarded.

What sort of bowls are you using? Is the pellet the same pellet he was on before? If it's a different pellet, he may not be used to them and may just be digging them out. Try a heavy crock bowl or a bowl that can lock onto the side of the cage so he can't tip them.
thumper did take the treat after I was holding him.
He lunged at me first with his head a couple times. "Told him be was ok"
Petted hi m tried the treat again ( still holding him) he took it just fine.

Do I need to do different treats or different rewards?

I have noticed that he hasn't eaten much since I " pissed him off"
Will he start eating again?

Any other suggestions about the pellet bowl? I
Can't hang it on cage as the wore part of the cage is
Exposed to the weather elements.
Just talk to previous owner and she said s
That Thumper did nip and jump to get down every
Now and then and that they were goin
To get him fixed to help with this.

They put his veggies on top of his pellets so he didn't fill up on them and ate more
Pellets. I do 75% lettuce and parsley 10% carrots is what I'm using
And 2 very thing slices of banana that I feed as a "treat" yesterday but no fruit usually.

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