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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
I know a lot of you guys also have asthma, Im wondering what type of preventative medicine you use?

Ive been using singulair for years and it doesnt seem to work as wellas the inhaled steriods. But, Ive tried both advair and flovent andboth give me yeast infections in my throat. Any suggestions?

I was just put backon flovent last week (with a spacer) and Igot another infection,. Ick! I rinse my mouth out and gargle every timeI use it. Im wondering if anyone else has this problem?

Hi Haley that's too bad. I useVentolin and Advair, i never have a problem with them and I'm reallybad about rinsing my mouth out. I'm also on the singularevery night and I find if I forget to take it my breathing is bad wheni wake up. Have you tried Reactine 20mg, it's by prescriptionhere in Canada, when I was on that it helped too.

I actually went on Prednisone for 6 days a couple of weeks ago (I hadanother chest infection) that really helps, BUT I refuse to go on thatlong term too many side affects (especially the weight gain).

What does your doctor say about the yeast infections. Istheir not a mouth wash you can get by prescription that may bestronger?

Until recently, I was on a combination ofSingulair, Serevent inhaler, and Allegra. It worked GREAT forme, but for some reason, my doc just switched me to Advair.

It doesn't work as well for me, but I guess I had to switch because I'd been on Serevent for a VERY long time.

I've never had issues with infections from the inhalers.

I hope your doctor finds something that works for you.
Is seravent an inhaled steriod?

I have no clue why I keep getting this. I have to go pick up an oral mouthwash now to get rid of it. Very weird!

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