Argh! Trixie just ignores me!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Denise from Long Island, New York, USA
:XIt's so frustrating! It's like Idon't exist. When I go into her room in the morning, she doesn't evencome to the door of the cage...until I set it down on the floor andopen it...then she hops out as far away from me as possible and justinspects everything around her in her room. She rarely comes to me, andthe only time I can pet her is when she's laying down on the carpet andI go up to her and start petting her. But honestly, she hops away aftera minute....
It's been 2 weeks since we got her and I love her to death, but I amstarting to think that I have a very independent bunny here. I was justwondering if anyone else has an "independent" bunny? Do they alwaysstay this way? Or will she eventually warm up to me? She doesn't evenplay with her toys when I roll the ball at her....

Thanks, guys!
Just keep interacting with her and I'm sureshe'll warm up to you eventually. The more you talk and handle her, themore she will be used to it and be more social toward you. Don't giveup. :)

Hope this helps.


I'm sure she will warm up to you in time :). Mybunny Rodney was exactly like that when I first got him. He was onlyinterested in exploring his surroundings and it took a few weeks forhim to notice I even existed. I spent a lot of time on the floor justwatching Rodney play on his own, andeventually he startedbecoming more interested in me andcoming over togetpetted. It's been 6 months now and he is very sociable andcraves attention.It might takea bit oftime forTrixie to form a close bond with you, but it is veryrewarding andwell worth the wait.
Don't worry, she'll warm up:). I had an identical problem with Devon and Amber, now they are complete attention hogs!

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