Argh...some people are RUDE!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
So, the wife of a dear friend came by tonight,along with the usual group of people we have over about once a week fora game we're playing. During the time they were all over, Ishowed my friends my new pair of custom-built roller skates, and toldthem the skates' story and such (which I think I've mentioned before).

Now, granted, this pair of skates' leather boots are a bit scuffed (dueto their prev. owner having had them worked on to make them fit better,but them just never ending up fitting right), but he skated on themjust enough to find out they just wouldn't fit right, so they'vebeen sitting in his locker...they're quite literally practicallynew. I plan on cleaning them up and polishing and reallygetting the leather back to it's rightful beauty once I'm more used tothem, and assured I won't be falling again anytime soon, and thusruining all the hard work. :D Not only that, butthe wheels are dirty from all the skating I've already done on them(something I plan on handling from now on everytime we come home fromskating), so I'm sure that didn't help their appearance any.:disgust:

Well, this particular woman is not the most tactful nor the most politeof individuals, and commented that she didn't think skating was anysort of a big deal, that it, and my skates, were vintage, and shedidn't think either my skates or the activity were anything great ingeneral. Talk about judging something without any knowledgeof what you're talking about!!:disgust:

I'm glad I missed the comment. I'm VERY passionate aboutmy skating, and when my husband later mentioned (as he thought I hadheard the comment) what she'd said, I felt quite angry...almost likesomeone had offended a dear friend of mine in offending both my skatesAND the wonderful thing I love to do whenever I possibly can, and hasbecome a BIG part of my life. Thereby I felt quite offendedas well.

Now, if you're not a skating fiend like I am, you might think it'sslightly stupid that I felt as thus...but I have to say that if youlove it as much as I do, and are as proud of your skates as I am ofmine, you understand exactly how I feel about hearing something likethat.

Seems just about everyone I've mentioned my skating love to has repliedsomething to the effect of, "Oh what a fun thing to do" or "Oh, how funa pasttime" ( :shock: )...when they just don't understand the passionthat I have for it. And that's each theirown. Won't find me scoffing at what others love to do, yaknow?

All I have to say is, I can't wait until my birthday in April (I'll be27), when I'm planning to have our friends over to my favorite rink,and have everybody in skates having a good ol' time...and to see hershuffling along around the rink, and see me fly by in my smooth-as-silkskates...I don't think she'll have much to scoff about then!

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not in the least a mean or harsh person,I just find her comment to be incredibly rude and insensitive (as MANYof the things she says are), and thus look forward to seeing her in therink (as she's admitted herself tonight that she hasn't been inyears). I know that her comments about skating are justmaking less of something that I hold dear and am serious about becauseshe feels inadequate about it. She has this tendency to makeherself superior to those around her, and this is something she justcannot do it with, so she had to discount skating as a whole to makeherself feel better. It's her general personality,which is something I've come to terms with, and I avoid having muchconversation with her in general because it's just not worth the hurtfeelings afterward. :)

Don't mind me...I'm just a bit upset. Haha! ;)

Anyhow, I just wanted to vent about that a little and say...tell meabout your own experiences about people making less of something youlove. I know we've all experienced the comments people tendto make about rabbits that are along these lines!Sheesh!! :?

Hugs to all!

P.S. I found out recently that my boots ALONE are worth about$400!! Oh my! :shock: I had noidea! The parts attached to the boots (wheels, plates, etc.)were about $150 total. The guy that built the skates onlycharged us just over $200 for the whole setup! He's sincebecome a dear friend of ours...and is a really wonderfulperson. :D
Like you, I have a pasttime. Thatwould be bowling. I'm on 2 leagues this year w/ my husband,and I sub on a men's league. If someone ever said anythinglike that to me, I would probably just blow it off. Mostly,some people just don't understand if it's not something theylike. I love to bowl and over the past 5 years I've gottenquite good, but I want to get better. The ball I have nowcost about $200 and I'm getting ready to get another that will costabout $150.

At some point, this woman will say something mean to the wrong personand will be told off, but, until then... Sorry she hurt yourfeelings, that's just not right at all. I used to skate whenI was little and I took my son a few years back. I thought Icould get right out there like I used to, nope, fell right on mybutt! After that outing, I was sore for 2 days!

Here Here! I quite agree with you both - life isabout choices and she must be a pretty old boring person to never wantto experiment with anything new - this is how NORMAL people discovertheir hobbies!

Next time shesays sometrhing like that,just ask herkindly "What are your hobbies then?" - and respond accordly to yourmood, i.e if you are in a mean mood say"God how dreary andboring that must be" but if you are in a nice mood saykindly" Oh howgreat, thats what makes life sointeresting us all having our own differenthobbies- it must annoy you when people give you a negative reaction like somepeople do with my skating, but good on you!"

Either way that will shut the trout up! (sorry to be rude!)

I agree with you its annoying when people are like that, and actuallyits nothing to do with skating shes finding an opportunity to show youup in front of your friends. Not nice at all. Just remember who is theone having fun and enjoying life - good for you!

I totally agree! What a rude woman, I really hope you can show off in the rink and let her know what's what :D.

I used to have a huge passion for skating too until I fell and broke abone very close to my ankle. It healed fine but I also did some otherdamage that required an op and it took so long to recover that I lost alot of my skill, and then my desire, to skate. It also damaged the waymy foot sits and it's now turned outwards. I just gave up and I wish Ihadn't. I also put on weight and I was pretty embarrassed about thattoo so just never got back on again. Havn't skated since I was about 13now. I've always had tiny feet that never really grew so I had the samepair of skates from when I was 7 up until 13 (could only JUST fit themby then).

I have the same feelings when people put down my bunnies, or my lovefor cars. I get a lot of people rolling their eyes at me and I hate itimmensly! The only other bunny people I know are breeders and notinterested in chatting about the day to day life of the rabbits, theyare only out to make a profit. I also don't get taken seriously withthe car stuff because I'm either "just a girl so what do you know" orbecause I have a particular love for Japanese cars that it's "just Japcrap" and it drives me insanly angry sometimes.
Your bowling sounds really fun. Ialways admire someone who can do so well at something I've never beengood at. I think that's the main reason why I don'tunderstand how she could have made the comments she did. fun!! I've tried bowling a few times, and STUNK atit. I'm sure it was basically bad form, or some such, buteek! :shock: I just go to have fun,though. :)

Yes, I hope eventually that someone will say something that will teachthis woman that the way she treats others is as important, in fact moreimportant, than people treat her. She's very self-oriented,which I also don't understand, and tends to be attention-eager aswell. Stinks, really.

I told my husband last night that I might not be able to hold myreactionary comments back one of these days. He said hewouldn't mind a bit. I think she gets on the nerves of justabout everybody in the room at one time or another.Lol! :)

The thing that stinks is that her sister (who is about 14 years'difference from her) is turning out to be the same way, so it makes mewonder what their mother isn't doing to discourage suchbehaviour. Who knows? I just know that with mydaughter, anytime I've ever heard any sort of comments that aren't thenicest, I talk to her about it and remind her that she wouldn't likesomeone saying such things about/to her, so she should do it to/aboutothers. She understands, and in fact, rarely makes suchcomments to/about people as a result. It really isn't muchwork at all, ya know?

Ultimate, it's none of my business, so I leave it alone and don't let it get past wonder. :)

Snuffles wrote:
Like you, I have apasttime. That would be bowling. I'm on 2 leaguesthis year w/ my husband, and I sub on a men's league. Ifsomeone ever said anything like that to me, I would probably just blowit off. Mostly, some people just don't understand if it's notsomething they like. I love to bowl and over the past 5 yearsI've gotten quite good, but I want to get better. The ball Ihave now cost about $200 and I'm getting ready to get another that willcost about $150.

At some point, this woman will say something mean to the wrong personand will be told off, but, until then... Sorry she hurt yourfeelings, that's just not right at all. I used to skate whenI was little and I took my son a few years back. I thought Icould get right out there like I used to, nope, fell right on mybutt! After that outing, I was sore for 2 days!
Good idea! Hehe...

I certainly wasn't nice in the least to do that in front ofmy friends. Though, I'm happy to say that my friends know mebetter than to listen to her. :) It's nice to havefriends that are sweet enough to be excited for me.

I did make it a point to tell her husband (a dear friend of mine) aboutthe skate's monetary worth, though. I'm sure that'll shut herup! He's really great at telling her to shut her mouth(nicely, mind you, but effectively) when she's being cruel to thosearound her. Not to mention, like I said, when I sail past herin the rink! Ya can't knock something when you see theresults! :)

But I like your idea...I might very sweetly (genuinely) put it intoconversation at some point, to kinda show her the other side of thingsand how she made me feel. I hope someday she learns to treatpeople nicely, even if she doesn't agree with them and their choices,or doesn't understand their passions in life. It truly isn'tworth going around spewing cruelty on others, just because you lackunderstanding. Ya know?

At any rate, I know she'll see it when she sees me skate. Notonly that, but I'm sure when she tries to talk to her husband about it,he'll shut her down about it. He cares for me and mine verymuch, and doesn't tolerate her comments about us. :)

jojo wrote:
Here Here! I quite agree withyou both - life is about choices and she must be a pretty old boringperson to never want to experiment with anything new - this is howNORMAL people discover their hobbies!

Next time shesays sometrhing like that,just ask herkindly "What are your hobbies then?" - and respond accordly to yourmood, i.e if you are in a mean mood say"God how dreary andboring that must be" but if you are in a nice mood saykindly" Oh howgreat, thats what makes life sointeresting us all having our own differenthobbies- it must annoy you when people give you a negative reaction like somepeople do with my skating, but good on you!"

Either way that will shut the trout up! (sorry to be rude!)

I agree with you its annoying when people are like that, and actuallyits nothing to do with skating shes finding an opportunity to show youup in front of your friends. Not nice at all. Just remember who is theone having fun and enjoying life - good for you!

I LOVE hearing about women that have such a hugelove for cars. I've always had quite the love for themmyself, though never had the ability to take it much further thanknowing quality/makes and models, etc. I've no knowledge ofengines whatsoever, except how my car sounds when it needs more oil,etc.

So, I completely admire you for that! Very cool!

Yeah, I can see how that would be a damper on your skatingdesire. It's rough getting back out when you've had a majorinjury. I've never had one myself, though I can certainlyunderstand it! As far as weight, I've got about 70lbs tolose, myself, so I know how you feel there, too. My onlypride in my stature is the fact that I never really lost the musclemass in my legs from both my skating and my running cross country inhigh school, so they're bulking back up fast. I basicallyjust have a layer or fat over top to work off, and retoning the musclesin general. Otherwise, according to my husband, I alreadyhave skater's legs. :) (Isn't he sweet?)If I didn't still have that basic muscle mass in my legs, I probablywouldn't have had the guts to get out there in the shape I'm currentlyin, believe me!! :D

What a good thing for you to have small feet, though...I'm a 10 narrowladie's's been rough, let me tell ya! Not only arethey large in length, but they're also narrow, which is hard tofit. It's one reason why I won't buy my daughter skates...Ican already tell she'll have my feet, which means they'll grow quitefast, so it wouldn't be worth the money we'd pay every sixmonths. Thankfully, the same guy who created my skates alsohas a pair of his daughter's (from years ago) that have just beensitting around that he's going to GIVE us. What a wonderfulman!! :D My daughter's SO excited!!

minilops wrote:
I totally agree! What arude woman, I really hope you can show off in the rink and let her knowwhat's what :D.

I used to have a huge passion for skating too until I fell and broke abone very close to my ankle. It healed fine but I also did some otherdamage that required an op and it took so long to recover that I lost alot of my skill, and then my desire, to skate. It also damaged the waymy foot sits and it's now turned outwards. I just gave up and I wish Ihadn't. I also put on weight and I was pretty embarrassed about thattoo so just never got back on again. Havn't skated since I was about 13now. I've always had tiny feet that never really grew so I had the samepair of skates from when I was 7 up until 13 (could only JUST fit themby then).

I have the same feelings when people put down my bunnies, or my lovefor cars. I get a lot of people rolling their eyes at me and I hate itimmensly! The only other bunny people I know are breeders and notinterested in chatting about the day to day life of the rabbits, theyare only out to make a profit. I also don't get taken seriously withthe car stuff because I'm either "just a girl so what do you know" orbecause I have a particular love for Japanese cars that it's "just Japcrap" and it drives me insanly angry sometimes.
Aww what a nice husband you have :D. I'm notsure how big a US size 10 foot would be? My feet are 8 incheslong. They are really wide and I have to wear a shoe size too big!

I have no idea how overweight I am as I refuse to weigh myself! But Iam 4"11' so...well...probably a hell of a lot seeing as it's hard toeat as small as I am tall, I have a huuuge apetite.

I did start exercising seriously begining a week ago, I got a secondhand total gym and it's been great. I don't feel stronger or thinnneryet but I do have more energy.

I REALLY love our cars! We have three, and I know the ins and outs ofthe engines, body work and suspension as well as my partner does.Yesterday I took the alarm out of one as it was driving us nuts, it'sold and faulty. Today I am going to take off the front quarter panelsand replace them with wider ones so we can fit some wider wheels ontothe front. The back has to be rolled out as those panels can't beremoved easily.

I think it's wonderful that you have skating as your lifestyle andpassion, it's always amazing when you find that one thing that makesyou feel free and powerfull and strong. I always remember feeling thatway when skating at the rink - you could be in a room full of peoplebut all you can hear is the swoosh of the wheels on the ground andeverything else fades away. You just go into the trace like focus andyou skate by instinct, moving around the other people without eventhinking about it. Do you find it easier to turn one way than theother? I could always turn to my left better than my right now matterhow hard I tried. Turning to the right just felt funny!

I measured my foot length, and it's just under 9.5in long. :)

Oh wow, I really admire your knowledge and ability with cars.That would be so neat to know so much about them, not to mentionHANDY!! :) I'm lucky my husband has enoughknowledge that he can change breaks when needed and replace the fan,etc. :)

Oh, I completely know what you mean about being in therink...everything does indeed just fade away, and it's like you're in afun place all by yourself, just having a nice, peaceful, relaxingtime. And yes, it is like instinct going around people, I'venoticed. It's been more difficult with my new skates, becausethey just don't slow down like other skates that I've worn, but I justgo around and it's no problem.

I have noticed that my left leg is weaker as far as balance than myright, which makes lefthand foot-over-foot turning a bit difficult, butI have noticed that since skating mostly in rinks that have the mainskating direction as counter-clockwise, it's a bit trickier goingclockwise now. Hehe!

Fun! :D

I know what you mean about weight, too. It took a LOT of gutsto weigh myself initially, but I finally just did it, as I'm doingweight loss with a friend of mine, and we needed a startingpoint. Otherwise, I avoided scales for quite a fewyears! It's frustrating trading fat for muscle, though, asmuscle weighs more, and I haven't had a single lbs' difference sincestarting skating, but it's okay. I can see a huge difference,and that's all that matters to me right now, really. :)

That's great that you've started a workout...go you!! :D

Maybe when you lose a bit of weight, and feel better, you'll be out there in the rink again? :)

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