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Retired Moderator
Oct 24, 2009
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Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
The talent thread seems to be taken over by the artists, so I thought I'd start a thread here just for the writers.I know there's a few writers on this board, socome on over andsayhello. If you want you can post work (or links to your work). I admit I'm as much an avid reader as I am a writer. ;)

You can read some of my published fiction (short stories) here:

Yep I'm a writer! I am currently writing a book with a friend of mine and we have about 33 pages so far. Which is the farthest I have ever gotten on a book. I also have about six others I am working on slowly but surely.
:wave:I'm a writer! :p

I love to write... I have one story finished, it's a fanfiction.... about the Jonas Brothers. :sofa:It's 103 pages, and about 38,205 words. lol.

I'm currently working on a story about paramedics, and would actually LOVE to get some feedback. I'm trying a new *style* of writing, I guess you could call it.. Basically it consists of flashbacks telling the story all the way up until the current time, which is inbetween flashbacks... Did I loose you yet? lol.

Other than that, I have several little stories that I just add on to every now and then, but they're not like my big story projects... I don't go all major and create outlines for them, or spend hours doing research lol.

I will share some of my stuff in a little bit! :) Once I see more writers on here! :p

Elf Mommy wrote:
My niece was an EMT in New Jersey. Do you want me to ask her if she would read it?

That would be awesome, Minda! :) I don't have it finished, yet. Only 14-ish pages. It's centered in New York, so I think that would be awesome if she read it since she was an EMT in New Jersey. lol. :p

How should I send it... or post it...?

Either way...she was in a terrible situation where she saw her partner get shot in the face, so she is not an EMT right now. I will ask her if she's up to reading it. :) She probably is, but I will make sure.
I sent it to your e-mail, Minda. Just let me know if you/your niece is unable to open the attachment. I have Windows Vista and I've always had troubles opening documents from my computer on non-Vista computers.

I will send the text in the email if I have too, instead of as an attachment. ;)

I like to write stories about everything and anything :) Mostly about animals though. I usually just get an idea in my head and write, anything I have written is a short story.
Whoa, Rue, awesome story!

I've only read the first one, and I usually just glance over these things with glazed eyes out of curiosity (no time for fiction), and it took a few sentences to get the characters straight (as per Alistair's voice), but I was totally hooked and had a great (loud) belly laugh at the ending!

Congrats! I'll read more when I can.

sas :bunnydance:
Yay! RO writers unite! :biggrin2:

I haven't written much lately, but the novel I'm currently working on follows a similar structure as you're using, Emily.So you didn't lose me at all. ;)

I can look at your story, too, if you want.I havezero experience as a paramedic, but I've got almost ten years writing experience and a half-dozen short story publications to my credit.

Minda, if you're having trouble opening the file, maybe Emily cansave it as .rtf, thenit should be okay to open on any computer.

Hope that helps!

Pipp wrote:
Whoa, Rue, awesome story!

I've only read the first one, and I usually just glance over these things with glazed eyes out of curiosity (no time for fiction), and it took a few sentences to get the characters straight (as per Alistair's voice), but I was totally hooked and had a great (loud) belly laugh at the ending!

Congrats! I'll read more when I can.

sas :bunnydance:

Thanks, Pipp! You just made my day, heck my whole week! :biggrin2:

Only ones I have typed up.

Love and Loss

Hold tight those you love.

You never know when you could lose them.

Cherish every moment like it is the last.

You never when those moments will end.

Hold tight to the memories you have created.

You never know when you will need them.


Alicia P.


I am me and I am proud. I can be fun. I can be short tempered. I tend to say what I think and others be darned. I flirt and don't care what others think.

I am me and I am shy. I can pretend to be out there. I tend to put on a show and eventually let people see all of me. If they don't it's because I just don't feel it is the right thing for me. I can be a clown.

I am me and I am a control freak. I have to be in control. I don't like things changing from what I have planned. I bounce back and run with it. I plan things down to the smallest detail.

I am me and I am selfconcious. I know that I am not ugly but I don't think I am that great to look at. I know that certain things about me are very attractive. Then there are others that just eww. I am a plain girl.

I am me and I am a dare devil. I love to push my limits. If it scares me I have to do it. I don't think of getting hurt. I just love the thrill.

By Alicia P


The Evolution of Who I am

An Only Child Wanting

A Sibling A Big Sister To A Miracle Little Brother

A Scared Girl In A Loud House

A Child Sent To Live With Grandma

A Child Of Divorce

A Child Of A Blended Family

A Big Sister To New Brothers and Sisters

A Young Lady Who Almost Lost Her Life

A Young Lady On The Verge of Womanhood

A Young Woman With Strong Beliefs

A Young Woman Unsure Of Her Future

A Young Woman Who Witnessed A Murder

A Young Woman Determained To Move Forward

A Woman Becoming A Wife

A Woman Who Found A Passion

A Woman On A Mission

Only The Future Can Reveal The Next Evolution Of Who I Am


A Sad Good-Bye

We choose them sometimes they choose us and other times they are given to us.

We bring them home and suddenly learn there is so much more.

We love them and care for them.

We feed them and play with them.

We watch them grow and marvel at the change.

We laugh and enjoy there every move.

We sometimes get annoyed at some of what they do, than they look at us and it is all ok.

We do our best to keep them safe and it is not enough.

We sometimes make the choice for how there life ends and sometimes they choose it.

We love them will all our hearts in the end they know this and that is best of all. They go to the bridge loved when so many others have never known love. They go knowing some day we will see them again and their hearts as well as ours will be whole.


Alicia P.
Found two more.

For the Love Of Bunnies

For the love of bunnies I will walk out covered in fur.

For the love of bunnies I will eat the cheap stuff to insure they eat only the best.

For the love of bunnies I will make sure they eat before I do.

For the love of bunnies I will give up any extra room so that they have more room to play.

For the love of bunnies I will wake up at dawn to give them fresh water because they flipped the bowl.

For the love of bunnies I will give up my salad because they want it.

For the love of bunnies I will forgo a vacation so that they will not be inconvenienced.

For the love of bunnies I will slam into the wall to avoid stepping on them when they dash in front of me.

By Alicia P.

This is goofy but had to share.

As a member of royalty one comes to expect a certain level of care.
Your food at exact times, in only the finest dishes. Your litter pan
cleaned daily. The hay overflowing and course only the best hay. Your
floor spotless, and of course your bed in just the right spot.

Now when it comes to actual physical contact, there are rules...

1. Do not touch me unless I ask.
2. Do not attempt to brush me without proper gifts before and during.
There is no way this is allowed. My response will be to inflict pain.
Mass amounts of pain.
4. If you want to clip my nails I expect a treat before and after
each one.
5. When I want to be touched, do it right then, or I will inflict

So please keep this in mind when in the presence of royalty.

Princess Gwyneth Apple Hoshi of the Perrotti Warren

I love to write stories and poems, heres a story I had to do for english class.
P.s, in the talent thread, you can still post what ever you want lol. :)

Its a bit long, and I cant link it.
Mind games.

We all snapped out of our trances as the ringing of the phone pierced the air, which was thick with boredom.
As some one jumped up to answer it, a blonde haired consultant stopped trying to make a sorry looking bouncy ball from a few limited elastic bands sitting in a muddled mess on the desk.
Giving a stretch he got up off a sore uncomfortable office chair and looked out the window mid stretch. Rain and dark ominous clouds casting a dark shadow over the busy San Diego city.
“We have a case, get your stuff Ill explain it on the way” announced a petite brown haired woman over her shoulder, already going to her locker.
A few minutes later an eager group of special victims’ unit investigators bundled into the car, excited at the prospect of a case... but felling guilty of being so cold,a nd heartless of the excitement about another’s death.
The consultant detective, who was only here on a trial basis sat shotgun.
Shaking his hair like a dog, as he forgot to cover head against the heavy rain.
Heavy splodges of raindrops hit the woman, miss doe gave him a venomous glare with out a word she started to drive on, after a few moments she decided to fill in the rest of her team about the case.
Clearing her throat she began, “a few unusual deaths has occurred in the past week, the san Diego bureau of investigation has decided they are linked and we are assigned to this case.” Continuing, “3 dead homeless people have been murdered in the main city alley ways behind Carlos bar and club, and one found about half a mile away in a dumpster, 2 more new bodies were found this morning.” “What’s so strange… some homeless people are found dead.. Could be anything...” interrupted Jack Temple.
“Mr., Temple, I have accepted you on to my team, please don’t interrupt me, and don’t be so sceptical” she retorted.
“Anyway, the vic’s are near some other bodies who committed suicide.”
They all sat in silence the rest of the way.
But Mr. temple took the time to notice her rich blue eyes staring straight a head, and the lovely brown hair. Oh, shut up he said to himself, she would never like me.

Stepping out of the car, they saw many uniformed officials’ stopping anyone getting in. Flashing some badges and some smiles we all got in.
A large dumpster truck sat in the middle of cordoned off tape, some forensic pathogists poking about near the contents.
You did not need to be a genius to work it out. On the ground near by, just a few feet way was a mans crumpled remains from jumping off the high building beside, marking it like a grave stone.
“I agree it’s not very nice” muttered miss doe. She must have seen my expression as I glanced into the truck.
A man in a white body suit and gloves wandered over to me with difficulty as he was out of breath. “Here” he motioned with his hand with contained a letter. Grabbing some gloves Mr. Temple opened it.
Dear Sir,
I would love to help you in your investigation. But im sorry it would be telling, not like you could figure it out, not very good at all, not smart enough, just a trail basics???
Some psychologist you are.

Yousr faithfully
Keep guessing.

“What sort of a suicide note is that?” He exclaimed
Clearing his head, he gave it to miss doe, and went for a walk.
“Just a basis, not smart enough” it kept replaying over in his head. He had heard this from some where… but where???
And what was that code about?
2 hours later they arrive back, miss doe is hiding in her private office, while the rest of the team is out looking over reports and photos.
Why where the homeless targeted, why did the man who jumped kill the other man?
His DNA was all over the gun found in his pocket, and the body. And why did he not shoot himself? It did not add up. All the team were thinking the same thing.
All except one absent minded consultant beside the window.
All he had on his mind was that note. In the past cases he had a few death threats… but not for awhile, and how did that person know it was a trail basis, that was confidential.
He sat on the chair provided by the window the rest of the team wnet out to another murder, but this was an upper class woman, the main park.
In the end up he sat in the dark office. A power cut… lightening lightened up the room with each flash.

4 weeks later, and still no clue about the letter, and no more homeless people deaths, he shook it off and got back into his job, taunting Miss Doe.
Or more fondly know as Miss Jane Doe to him, but to her annoyance.
Relaxing on his chair he fell asleep. The typing of fawn, the new girl was slowly drifting way and so was the two men in the joint desks started to fade, they were talking about physics’, “ha ” he said to himself.
One of the men were very tall, and of British background was very well build and used to take down the baddies. The other was just as intimidating, his job was to interview the suspects, but under the front he was really a softie and fancied the new girls. They would make a nice match…..
Wait… Then many things flooded back to him, with dread, and with a pounding heart he told the both of them to get up and take him some where.

“Hurry up!” He said impatiently, urging the driver, the man who only 15 minutes ago was chatting to his friend about physic’s, now his mate was in the back of the car, on the phone with a very angry Miss. Doe.
From what you could hear at the front of the car, she did knew how to make his death look like an accident.
The code, was broke within a few moments of thinking, with out her shouting down the phone.


A meant the answer, and ^ meant look up, after glancing over a few photos of the case 4 weeks ago a few red feathers and a few beads were found on the top of the building, which the man jumped from.
* meant stars, but none visible in the sky, but there was none because of the street lights. But during the black out he saw a very clear star. The North Star.
Percentage sign meant out of 100. 99 out of 100 street lights were out.
Looking at where the points of the 1 out of 10,000 streetlights that were working.
Tm stood for time, and looking at the time of each area of street and normal lights were switched off, drawing a graph and looking at the exchange rate of pounds and dollars of that day, taking them away… then it gave some coordinates.
All this was guess work, but it was clear.
3 years ago, he was in an investigation of some people who were hypnotised by this hypnotist/physic, he threatened me, saying I was a good for nothing and barley a psychologist let alone a forensic psychologist.
He had some feathers in his viewing room and had those beaded door way things with red beads.
The man escaped using his cunning and skill, which Jack had frowned upon. Now Mr. Jones was now back, to get at him.
The drive went on, as they went from streetlights to darkness and back again, travelling through different terrains.
Pulling up at the coordinates he saw a wood, dimly lit by the cars headlights, the shadows seemed to Jeer and taut him.

The cold metal, locking my hands and a searing pain in his side made him groan in agony.
“I see we meet again, but now I have the upper hand” declared a shadowy figure near his side.
Jacks eyes still were coming to terms with the darkened state of the room which he was in.
In the darkness he saw some moonlight hit against his captors eyes, which revealed a malicious glint in them. Also to his horror a knife in his hands.
The man sat back on a old log, “nice little friends you have, oh sorry I mean, had.”
The fiendish man let out a sick twisted laugh.
What does he mean by had? And where am I? Is he the man I investigated so long ago?

“Don’t worry my little friend, your friends are in a better place, but im not so sure about that lady friend, what was here name? Beth Doe? Yes, Beth. ”
“Who are you?” I said, weak from blood loss which I was fully conscious of leaving my body creating a pool beside my feet.
“Who? Why Mr. Jones of course”
Then my head began to sag, my energy started to drain dramatically.
Cold metal awoke me from my deep sleep, a knife was pointed, and now holding my sagging neck up.
“Wake up, you do want to see your friends?”
A bright light shinned in my eyes, closing them tight I curled up away from it, a kick im my stomach reopened my old wound casing me to call out sharply.
The light of the torch prowled over the ground in the darkness, like a single search light in a sea of darkness. Then I saw it.
Dave, the English man mutilated in front of me only 5 meteres away, the cold staring eyes seeing into my soul.
The other man Kyle, the interviewer was killed swiftly, thank God, straight cut to the throat.
But his eyes were missing and the blank sockets looked so strange, as blood oozed out of them.
“Now, before the finale” Now I was over the shock, I began to think, very late, but still he was very very mentally ill.
“Ill explain to you my great plan!” he said it like a child telling he tied his shoelaces.
“I guess you were very smart to figure out my code, and my clues, but why? Why you ask, because the homeless were planning my murder! All the time they met in the alleyways”
“They were out to get me!” he shrieked
“I hypnotised 4 or 5 of them and got them in the inside, then I had them jump off buildings, and drowning and many more so no murders were linked to me!”
He droned on, but I was unaware, I saw some movement, it was hard to make out.
The smell of blood of nauseating.
Mr. Jones jumped up “Ah! I have the final show now!”
I looked on in dread as he had Miss Doe come over to me, she gave me a kiss, them thrust a knife into my heart.
He had her hypnotised… to kill me.

The end

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