I find myself practically having a coronary if my buns sneeze, even if it's once. We don't have the money to take them for every sneeze (don't worry, I mean like a sneeze a month, or some such...just something poked them in the nose).
For instance, we put our broom in between the cages, but make sure it's well away from either cage so they don't eat the plastic bristles, but it somehow got too close to Maisie's cage. Since Maisie chases it around and tries desperately to attack it every time it's near, she had it right away, and had broken off one of the bristles and ingested it like just another piece of hay! I watched her CONSTANTLY over the entire day (and am still skeptically watching) to be sure she's eating and passing things through fine. But I was ready for an emergency trip, let me tell ya!!
Do I worry too much about them ingesting things like that? Are buns more resilient than I think? For instance, would her ingesting that be something life or death, like I think it is?