Are these three veggies toxic to bunnies?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2009
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, Ohio, USA
I've looked on several sites and either didn't see these three listed or there was conflicting info.

I've read tomatoes (fruit only) is okay as long as red and ripe NOTGREEN

Eggplant is okay as long as it is just the eggplant not the vines and leaves

Green Onions can't find anywhere on the lists I have. Are they bad or good?

Any info on these three veggies?
Stone_family3 wrote:
I've looked on several sites and either didn't see these three listed or there was conflicting info.

I've read tomatoes (fruit only) is okay as long as red and ripe NOTGREEN

Eggplant is okay as long as it is just the eggplant not the vines and leaves

Green Onions can't find anywhere on the lists I have. Are they bad or good?

Any info on these three veggies?
lets take this real slow,,tomato,eggplant is true,--onion??/.why are you tempting fate,,here is a web link for toxic/safe /.i am astonished by the number of people who get away from basics and put their pet a potential risk,,what do you normally feed them daily??,sincerely jameswaller:nerves1
This is the direct link that james waller was trying to link to (I think).

I can't find onion on any safe list. I would always suggest steering clear of anything you are not sure about. FAR better to be safe than sorry.

This is the biggest rabbit organisation in the UK and this may be useful

This is quite a good comprehensive toxic plants list (it includes fresh foods too)

On this list it says Onions are toxic and contain toxins, so should not be fed.

Remember that young bunnies needed to be treated with extreme care in their diet. They also need changes made VERY gradually because they are still very vulnerable to gut problems. I personally would not suggest introducing any fresh foods until your bun is at least 4 months old, and other say 6 months old.

If/when you introduce, give a teeny tiny piece and then wait for 24 hours and only introduce one new food at any one time, watching behaviour, output, etc, to see if there are any changes (like diarrhoea, excess cecals, no poos, lethargic, or anything different at all). If everything is normal then you can increase the amount by a tiny bit the next day, and go through the same watching process each time you gradually increase it.

It's better to start off with more standard foods, particularly leafy greens, like romaine lettuce, dandelion leaves, or herbs such as parsley and basil. Those are mostly tolerated by most bunnies (but not all) the more exotic you get with food, the less likely they are to be able to tolerate it, so always start bland.
I was asking because those are the types of veggies we have in our fridge on a weekly basis. Since we eat them I wanted to know if my bunny could eat them.

I asked about green onions because I've seen rabbits in my yard eat them and could not find it on a safe list. So I thought I'd ask instead of just feed it to her.

I have only fed her the fruits and veggies that the woman said she has already fed her. She gets one small chunk of fresh fruit or veggie a day.

The rest of the time she gets her pellets, the oat and sunflower mix the lady gave me for her (but only every other day and it is a pinch amount mixed with pellets) and her botanical hay.
This is off-topic, but what do you make with the eggplant? I love eggplant, and am always looking for new recipes.
vegetarian lasagna (use eggplant/zucchini for noodles instead of noodles), fried eggplant, roasted eggplant, pasta with eggplant. It kind of just goes in anything that accomodates
Stone_family3 wrote:
vegetarian lasagna (use eggplant/zucchini for noodles instead of noodles), fried eggplant, roasted eggplant, pasta with eggplant. It kind of just goes in anything that accomodates
Ok, thanks! I love it grilled. And I've always meant to make baba ganoush, but have never gotten around to it.
It seems that rabbits often have a build up effect to some things that are toxic but if just eaten as a once off it doesn't appear to cause much harm (although you still have to be careful and watch, and some things like chocolate need immediate attention) however as I understand it if the rabbit continously eats something toxic it will build up in the system and then cause problems. This will vary rabbit to rabbit and toxic food to toxic food though, so if they are deemed toxic, steer well clear.

I would suggest taking out those leaves from his run, just to be on the safe side.

It is not suggested though to ever feed your bunny something knowlingly toxic (obviously) and to do full research on what plants/leaves/trees you have in your bunny area to ensure they are all safe.

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