Stuff I've read tends to give pine a "pass" for being detrimental to buns' respiratory systems, but is not so kind toward cedar shavings. It would appear that the buns' urine chemically combines with the oils in cedar shaving to produce a toxic mix that will cause respiratory ailments orskin conditions when absorbedthrough bodily contact.
Initially, it was believed both pine and cedar would produce the same results, but later follow-up suggested pine might be a much safer product. If that is a concern for you, perhaps, it is best to avoid both products in any shape, form, whatsoever.Don't know that one can ever be TOO SAFE!
WoodyPet's processing claims allays my fears for my buns. Its primary use is for horse bedding and if equestrian types are comfortable using itthusly for their very expensive charges I don't imagine it would be too terribly harmful if used for relatively inexpensive pets, like rabbits.
WoodyPet does sell litter, but I have been unable to access any in order to make a direct comparison between it and the ProfessionalAnimal Beddingin terms of function or price.