I found in the past that some rabbits accepted aharness right away, while others would panic, esp, if the first timethey were introduced to one, they were taken outdoors and leashed. In arabbit's panic it will burst into a full run, hit the end of the leashor tether, and the panic then becomes extreme (and potentially harmful).
My advice would be to put a harness on your bunny in an enclosedsupervised room at first, no leash...let him or her run around with iton, and make sure there is nothing he or she can crash into, should apanic attack occur. Do this several times until you feel comfortablethat your bunny is accepting the harness, then you can introduce aleash (and the outdoors, if that is your intention).
And I agree...a collar on a rabbit is extremely dangerous. I wouldnever put one on a bunny; their necks are far too fragile...one panicat the end of a leash and their neck could be broken.
Oh, and if your bunny doesn't like the harness, chances are he or shewon't like the leash...so you might want to make sure whatever it ismade out of is strong. I had a cat's leash for my last rabbit'sharness, and I took him in my backyard with it. Two seconds later theleash was lying on the ground and Rufus was running around with a grinon his face...one chomp and he had bitten through it before I couldstop him!