Well-Known Member
A couple days ago I went down with my in-laws tothe SPCA to pick out a rabbit to hopefully bond with their around yearand a half year old neutured boy who lost his mate earlier this year(another boy). We all decided on a "flemish giant" who is actually verysmall and I suspect not a flem at all as she would only weigh about 5pounds. Her name is Sandy. She was spayed about a month ago and is ayoung adult. At the SPCA she was very quiet and accepting of beingpetted and held; didn't struggle or kick up a fuss. She was in a pen onthe floor and a few neutured bucks were wandering around getting someexercise. She was nice to them through the pen and didn't seemaggressive.
Today the MIL tried a first meeting with Sam, her buck, and all hellbroke loose! Even though Sandy was in a pen on neutral territory forboth buns she went mental at the sight of Sam, who just wanted to lickher nose and be friends. She was grunting and lunging and attacking himthrough the bars and the whites of her eyes started to show.
Because my in laws aren't really THAT great with bunnies (they arebetter than most owners but like things to be simple and easy) theywant to give up already! I can sort of understand their frustration asfemale rabbits do seem to be pretty aggressive compared to bucks whoare more cuddly and affectionate in my experience. Is there anything Ican do to help them out do you think? I want to see Sam have a mateagain as he seems miserable by himself but Sandy is very nasty towardshim.
Sam is a free range rabbit who has the entire bunny proofed yard tohimself. He has bever escaped or been harmed by other animals. He justseems so lonely.
I have attached a pic of Sandy but the SPCA people didn't allow me touse the flash so it came out a bit blurry. She is really gorgeous andis silky soft. My MIL is a tiny woman, 5 foot tall so the bunny doesseem sort of big but she fit into a typical cat carry cage with room tospare.
Today the MIL tried a first meeting with Sam, her buck, and all hellbroke loose! Even though Sandy was in a pen on neutral territory forboth buns she went mental at the sight of Sam, who just wanted to lickher nose and be friends. She was grunting and lunging and attacking himthrough the bars and the whites of her eyes started to show.
Because my in laws aren't really THAT great with bunnies (they arebetter than most owners but like things to be simple and easy) theywant to give up already! I can sort of understand their frustration asfemale rabbits do seem to be pretty aggressive compared to bucks whoare more cuddly and affectionate in my experience. Is there anything Ican do to help them out do you think? I want to see Sam have a mateagain as he seems miserable by himself but Sandy is very nasty towardshim.
Sam is a free range rabbit who has the entire bunny proofed yard tohimself. He has bever escaped or been harmed by other animals. He justseems so lonely.
I have attached a pic of Sandy but the SPCA people didn't allow me touse the flash so it came out a bit blurry. She is really gorgeous andis silky soft. My MIL is a tiny woman, 5 foot tall so the bunny doesseem sort of big but she fit into a typical cat carry cage with room tospare.