arched breeds and personalities

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
Reaction score
Paoli, Pennsylvania, USA
Which breeds are considered arched or semi arched? Is there a personality shift with these contrasted with the non arched breeds (ie, are they more high strung and less affectionate or more prone to cause damage in the house)?

I have a new mini rex and he looks much more archy than my others that are more roundish. He's also much more hyper. It could just be that he's still very young. I have seen a shift in his attitude already in the past week since he was neutered and I hope it continues, but it's nice to know what to expect. :)
Arched breeds break into other people home to frame fuller figure bunnys for things that they would not do. If you suspect Gary of being an arch breed then please send us cinderella asap. Also send Becky because she is a lil on the plump side too. Hope this helped :D
I'm going to end up in trouble today for laughing so hard at your posts.

What would you do if I actually sent them? Fraggles would hump them to pieces. At least now their nookie is voluntary with their husbunnies rather than being forced into lesbun luvin. :p

Besides, Becky isn't plump, she's a mini lop and they are sapposed to be round (she's just a little extra fluffy!) :)
This is just like you giving poor Ink a hard time for his appearance. Flemish giants just look like that also and you should not judge him. Besides I have seem some pictures of Becky looking a little more then mini lop round lol....
I know I am not an expert in rabbit breeds, but Ink is no Flemish Giant. You need to improve your photoshop skills. It's the presidential scandle of the century!

ok, so Becky gets a little more than her share of the treats. Could you resist that face, particularly after she gives you lots of kisses and purrs? I think not. No one could.

I think you over estimate Fraggle's self control ;)
I found what I needed, he's not an arched breed. I think he's just a little on the skinny side since he's young. He eats constantly but he also runs a lot. I'm sure he will grow into a more rounded body type over time. It has been such a learning experience having a bun so young in the house. It reminds me why I normaly adopt older pets. LOL

See, he's a perfect mate for dear Becky. Plus he keeps her face all nice and clean so her tears don't make her fur fall out around her eyes. Would you lick her face clean multiple times a day? I think not. :)
Yeah, I think Fraggles would get her flubby bit :p

Gee, I have never met a Flemish Giant who ate clams before! Granted, I think both an octopus and a FG are very cool pets. I think Tattoo (Ink) would clean out my current fish tank inhabitants in a heart beat. My crystal red shrimp would just be crunchy snacks and Mr Mooney (beta) wouldn't stand a chance. I wonder if the guppies would be fast enough to escape? How long would Tattoo last in fresh water?

Our next bun will be a FG. They are so beautiful and Joshua wants a big bun (see, Fraggles should come live with us!)
You see again I understand your not a breed expert. But Tattoo is an Octopus and that is not even a rabbit. He is in no way related to a flemmie. Besides what are you trying to say about flemmies? That's not right at all. To answer your question Tattoo could handle fresh water just long enough to eat those tasty morsels. He loves shrimps......
LOL that is even worse, she would end up accidentally shooting one of the girls as they are getting humped. Not safe at all. I prefer my buns not to cary weaponry in their fat rolls. :p
oh, I see. I had a chat with the girls and they just are not willing to leave their husbunnies behind. Fraggles will have to come here afterll :)
Though I found this thread hilariously funny, I am the proud owner of not 1 but 6 English Spots and I will say...Yes, they will try to get away with stuff and blame it on the fuller figured bunnies.

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