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go to www.arba.neti think they have the address there. they have a HUGE hall offame library that i think is open to members if not thepublic. are you an arba member?

lucky i wish i lived that close!
take me with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i recommend that you join, not just for the library but for it ALL!:)
VNess2010 wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Buck Jones wrote:

Whoa. That's the shortest response I have ever seen from you! :shock:

Hahaha, I know I was really taken back when I saw this. I kind of laughed to myself!
Well, if I was a bit more specific and detailed, I might not be misunderstood sometimes LOL!

VNess2010 wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Buck Jones wrote:

Whoa. That's the shortest response I have ever seen from you! :shock:

Hahaha, I know I was really taken back when I saw this. I kind of laughed to myself!
Well, didn't seem like Bramble Briar86 was asking for anything more...:?

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
no, i'm not an ARBA member, is it free to be one? doesanyone know the criteria? i'll go to that website. if it's open to thepublic, i'll go to it and take pictures and post them on the forum!


No, it'll probably cost $8.00 for a youth membership or$15.00 for an adultand I would suspect they would be graciousenough to let you visit, or if you're intending to join, sign up inperson.

Their library is the most comprehensive rabbit oriented library in theworld due to the efforts of Domestic Rabbits magazine Editor,Bob D. Whitman. He not long ago acquired the largest singleprivate collection of rabbit literature in English from England to addto ARBA's collection.

I don't show, breed, produce meat, nor fur, but chose to be an ARBAmember because it is open to all rabbit fanciers and not just a limitedgroup with a narrow perspective and focus.

For a long time, for example, ARBA had a link to HRS on itswebsite. That courtesy was not reciprocated by HRS and Ithought that was illustrative of the difference in attitudes andphilosophies between the two organizations. ARBA no longerprovides that link.

ARBA does a lot of research and improves the breeds of so many of thebuns we all enjoy. It also does an admirable job ofrepresenting rabbit fanciers before government and the public in theform of lobbying and providing sanctioned rabbit shows.

If you've never been to a show, you owe it to yourself to do so, at least once in a lifetime.

For more specific information:


I just recieved my yearbook and guide to rasingbetter rabbits... I hope this really helps me, it is going to take meforever to read! So who is in the yearbook?
I'm in the yearbook. You have to be amember for one full year and renew for a second year before they putyou in, or you can sign up for a 3 years membership for a reducedrate. the guidebook is AWWWWWESOME. inmyopinion it is the best book you can have. minehas fallencompletely apart i have read it so much.And definietly not only go to a show, but show your bunny!

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