April Fools day

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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, Pennsylvania, USA
Today i came down after showering and my mother said (she comes over some days to make a big breakfast for the k ids sometimes) that my hubby caught what he thought was a rat in a mouse trap :shock:. Some back story i was in the basement (a small basement that has a sump pump, heater, well h olding tank, you can barely stand straight up in it, oh and it also has spiders :nerves1 down there.) I was getting pellets for Belles litter pan when out of the corner of my eye something when running across the floor. My first girly reaction was to scream, which i did, no one came running to my aide either :?. Whatever it was ran through a small opening by the door frame leading to the bulk he ad doors, then decied it was going to come back in, so i started screaming at it again, then it ran out and left this time. I was telling my mom that it looked alot bigger then any field mouse that i have seen. So you could understand my panick about a possible rat in my house, sorry for all you rat lovers on here, it is one thing when they are a pet and another thing to me that they could be running around my house,lol. So i grabbed the p hone to call my hubby to see where he put it so i could look at it to see if it was what i saw the other day, and my mom informed me that her and my oldest son where in on it and it was an Aprils fools joke :shock: not funny

So what will you do to people today, or w hat was already done to you

I have to say i am loving the fact that you cant type b*nny in (bunny) and reading peoples posts are hysterical with the other words that come up in its place,lol
Well my mum woke me up by saying 'Michael Jackson's downstairs' and I jumped up and was all excited (bear in mind I was still half asleep and pretty dumb in the mornings) when I realised I went back to sleep 5 mins later she came up and said 'Its 8am you've got 15 mins to get ready for school' and that got me up! I was rather annoyed though! I wanted M.J to be downstairs :D
Nothing but here on this site: here whenever you type b.unnies (had 2 put in the dot) it comes out saying mooses! I was reading topics and posts and getting really confused because i was not getting a pet moose!! haha Now my little sister gave me a cup of tea. Should I worry?
Aah the Pizza Hut one was funny! I didn't see the YouTube one...

The RO one has to be the funnies for me though! Totally got me and I have been hysterical all day reading the posts! 'do you know of a moose savvy vet?' LOL!
Haha! I missed the bunnies thing! That is clever, they must have changed the filters LOL

On the pizza hut one you got a free 25% voucher though!

By the way, its after 12, so technically they are now gonna get bad luck for the bunnies thing!
Well I woke hubby up at 2 am saying he was late for work. Then he called me and said the car dies on the way to work.

He had put phoenix in a kennel so she did not come when called this morning.

I let phoenix go downstairs early to make storm think its time for breakfast.
I'm not personally pulling any pranks, but even though Paul proposed early yesterday morning, he didn't tell his coworkers yesterday and went in today saying he'd proposed last night and I said "no". He's going to milk that all day. He's grinning from ear to ear though so we'll see how believable it is!
My friend pretended she was leaving! I was late to school and EVERYONE was in on it except me! I totally fell for it :p They all acted really well!
Nothing here but the usual tomfoolery at work. Nobody had time to do anything else, and the morning was spent keeping Myheart from going into a panic over Luna's dental.

But I'm reading some of the internet/news pranks and I really like this one:


OMG Hitler invades Poland, allies declare war see tinyurl.com/b5x6e for more :laugh:
In the chem lab where my daughter's fiance works, someone changed all the bathroom signs...men's was women's, etc. I thought that was kind of cute and harmless. Our boys don't fall for any of it anymore, so it's not as much fun as it used to be.
naturestee wrote:
But I'm reading some of the internet/news pranks and I really like this one:

We saw that one! Hillarious!

Speaking of Twitter, has anyone seen this video? Omg did I laugh!


One April Fool's that wasn't funny was a company called laptopsdirect advertising free funerals in return for advertisement. REALLY not tasteful at all...



BOOO laptopsdirect!

BMW's was funny.....



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