Appetite Boosters

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Corky's Cave, , USA
I know getting a bunny to eat is normally not abig problem...but the 2nd med Cory is onmaybesupressing his appetite further, in conjunction withalready not feeling well.

So....I'm looking for something that will boost Corky's appetite (otherthan Nutri-Cal, he HATES that stuff). If anyone has any ideas it'd bemuch appreciated!! He's eating well when I syringe feed him, and a lilon his own, but would love to increase what he's eating on his own.

The prayers and goot thoughts are doing wonders...hopefully we can help him along even more!

(btw, Corky's the guy on the right in my avatar in case anyone was wondering ;) )

He loves parsley but is not even taking that...:( He's been given a lil of everything I can think of....he's nottaking much yet..hopefully time will help. Was just wondering if anyonehad any other ideas.
I'm afraid that I'd make him take the NutriCal -whether he likes it or not. It's known to boost his appetiteand his immune system. With the stress he's going through,it's the lesser of the two evils for him not to like it, but still getthe nutrients he needs until he's over this hump.:?

I know what you're trying to accomplish though and I think it's sosweet of you to do everything you can. Buck's right thatparsley is said to help, but if he loves that and won't even take that,then I'm not sure how much luck you'll have with something else either.


Have you tried offering him some vegetables, dark leafy greens, hay anda little bit of fruit? The complex B vitamins iswhat helps to stimulate their appetite, which is what NutriCal has aswell.


Just went back home and fed him and he'dfinished the Romaine lettuce he'd gotten this thats a goodthing! Wasn't alot, but at least its progress!

Suggestions on forcing the nutri-cal? I put it on his lil foot and hetries with all his might to shake it off! LOL! It seems toogoopy to force down him...if you have suggestions I'm open!

I haven't tried fruit yet, thought that might make his poop worse andits finally starting to take some form! I do have some apple and somebanana baby food I haven't tired yet...Maybe I'll see later when I gethome if he'd like a slice of apple, usually he loves that too!
Sounds like a good idea to try theapple. Your instincts are right about the fruit.Don't want to overdo it. As to giving him NutriCal, if worstcame to worst, you could syringe feed it to him, although I don'tsuspect he'll like anyway he has to take it. He'll forgiveyou, I promise. Glad to hear he's eaten theRomaine!

Tucker shakes his forepaws like their on fire when I give him theNutriCal. I have to smush it onto his paws a bit because he will shakeit off. He has no other choice than to eat it to cleanhimself off. Does it bum me out? Yes, I feelterrible when he reacts the way he does, but keep it's in his bestinterest.

Nutri-cal worked very well for promoting Brindle's appetite.

Either that or she was eating everything in sight trying to get the taste of the Nutri-cal out of her mouth.

She hated the taste. I got the butt for 2 days.

I first tried to hide it in a slice of way. I finally put it on her paws and she had a fit trying to shake it off.


Pebbles loves her pumpkin with oats sprinkled on top.

I just bought some papaya this morning.

Would honey increase his appetite. Itencouraged Pebbles to drink more water but I forget what Pamsaid about the honey.

More good thoughts and prayers sent your way.

Rainbows! :)

Yeah, he shakes his paw like its on fire too...Ikinda mashed it in there earlier today and promptly got the bunny buttafterwords.

He tends to jump in the litter box, then starts flickin his paw aroundand then there's woody pet flyin around the room like lil bullets! LOOKOUT...or you might loose an eye!!!

I thought about the syringe but as goopy as it is, didn't know how well it would work.
Anything high in complex B vitamins and folicacid(including Nutri Cal, parsley, dandelion greens, oats andother whole grains) will help to boost theappetite. Your vet can also give you vitamin Binjections to stimulateCorky's appetite.

Pet_Bunny wrote:
I forget what Pam said about the honey.

Rainbows! :)

Honey is nearly pure glucose -- can be helpful for a sick rabbit if yoususpect a drop in blood sugar. (Such as during kindlingproblems). Can give a quick energy boost.

Using the syringe is a drag to get the NutriCalin there. You have to have a good size one. Likeyou said, because it's gooey, it's kind of a pain, but anything ittakes to make him ingest it. He shouldn't be on it more thana few days before you see his appetite comingback.

When you give it to him, why don't you remove the litterbox from hiscage so that he doesn't make as big a messwhen he's throwinghis tantrum?


Cuz that'd be too easy ;) That is athought tho....but we sure got a kick out of it when that stuff wasflyin son was rollin! Good for entertainment Iguess! :D Will see how his appetite is tonite..maybe I canget him eating a few more greens and it'll work itself out...I'm justhoping for some sleep soon!! Its been almost a week since I had a goodnites sleep not stressin over this lil guy!!
My girls are pretty good with taking anythingexcept.. acidophillus, they cant stand it. So I mix it with a small bitof baby food and they slurp itright up. I useblueberry pear or carrot since they have no added sugar.Maybe put the nutrical in some baby food?

All of a sudden tonite he's eating darn nearnormally! Greens maybe this is a moot point for now**crossing fingers**.....Will see how things go from here, thanks forthe ideas everyone!

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