Appears as if they are itching their chins...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Corky's Cave, , USA
Whenever I have my 2 out in their playpen...theydo this weird thing on certain items...almost as if they are itchingtheir chins. I put an old dog toy in there that has all sortsof soft rubber bristle like things sticking out of it, they love to usethat in particular.

Is this a normal behavior, or a sign of something?

Interesting!! Its actually quite funny towatch!!! I put in some new cardboard for them to playwith...its like criss crossed, like glasses are packed in to keep emfrom breaking...first thing they did was run in and do that.

Thanks for the info!
I wish my buns would do that instead of pee pee every where :)

--Have you ever seen when they stand on their botoms and and they fall backwards ? Its HALARIOUS!
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Interesting!! Its actually quite funny to watch!!!I put in some new cardboard for them to play with...its like crisscrossed, like glasses are packed in to keep em from breaking...firstthing they did was run in and do that.

Thanks for the info!
LOL, it is cute and funny to watch...Briar even PERSONALLY chinned me, i'm now his "official" slave:p

Apollo chins everything lol. He chinspeople and couches alike lol. I actually have a picture of him chinningthe couch.



dajeti2 wrote:
Apollo chins everything lol. He chins people andcouches alike lol. I actually have a picture of him chinning thecouch.


Apollo is just the most gorgeous bunny ever (besides Mushrooms of course *wink*)

Although I have a weird phobia about long ears... and white rabbits! :p Anyone seen 'Wizbit?'
I think it depends on the rabbit andtheir temperment and personality. Apollo chins everything literallylol. He only peemarks my husbands couch and floor just whenmy husband is home. So every two weeks it's a battle of the wills butit's nothing my little Green Machine can't clean up.

Apollo is just the most gorgeous bunny ever (besides Mushrooms of course *wink*)

Although I have a weird phobia about long ears... and white rabbits! :p Anyone seen 'Wizbit?'

Thank you. What is Wizbit? I have no clue lol?

Sophie wrote:
Dorabbit tend to do one or the other? Either "chin" things orspray to mark their territory? Mushrooms only ever chins things outsidehis cage.


I wish it was one or the other, specifically the first one.....had towash my rabbit coat AGAIN because the stinker got me this morning.Chinning just wasn't enough to make me smell like him, I guess!:X


Sebastian even has to chin his indoorcondo after being outside for a few hours in his other cage! I guesssome other bunny might have snuck in and chinned everything in hisabsence and then ran off real quick while he wasn't looking!:p

Heaven forbid if I clean anything! Then it has to be extra chinned! :shock:

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Sebastian even has to chin his indoorcondo after being outside for a few hours in his other cage! I guesssome other bunny might have snuck in and chinned everything in hisabsence and then ran off real quick while he wasn't looking!:p

Heaven forbid if I clean anything! Then it has to be extra chinned! :shock:



You've hit it on the head, Raspberry--could be describing my herd!:p
