Apollo's Follow-up

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Apollo's Acres, Virginia, USA
I just wanted to update everyone. Apollo went tothe vet today for his follow-up. GREAT NEWS!! It's only allergies! I amso excited and relieved. They weighed him today. I am the proud mommyof a 10lb. 2oz, bouncing baby boy lol. Thegirls in the officeget such a kick out of him. He walked up to all of them for pats on thehead. He actually stood up and started begging for treats. I laughed sohard. Of course they gave him some. They all said they've never seen arabbit that big. I was so happy I've had a permanent smile on my faceever since.

The rabbits we finally caught are all doing very well too. I get to see the gray on Sun.


Hi Tina!

Thanks for the greatnews!????? ?


Psst, can you post the picture of the bird so that I can see it better? :)
Hi Tina, So good to hear about Apollostest results. Just curious though how did you finally catchthe rabbits? I know that you had asked for suggestions on anearlier post. You may have already posted itbefore,I have not been to the forum much this week.When you caught them what did you do with them? Talk to yousoon. Beckie
How we caught the rabbits

Well,we tried the blankets. That didn't work like we all thought itwould. The little stinkers just ran out. So we decided to try the nets.At first these three little bunns had us all winded and falling on ourfaces. Until us humans finally smartened up. We walked along so thebunnstayed along the fence. We finally did this until we hadthe bunnin the corner. My husbband has a fishing net with along handle and so did my neighbor's husband. My husband caught thefirst one and the neighbor used is . I was then able to walk up to thebunn. I put my hand over the shoulders as I slide my other hand underthe net. Once I was able to get both hands under the net the guyslifted the net. I scooped the little one up and checked them for anysores,fleas,mites, stuff like that. One down two to go. Thankfully thesecond two went just like the first.

The brown was a female, the little gray was a male, and the black& white was a female. They were a little skinny, but other thanthat they seemed fine. We put them in individual dog crates. I hadbrought some of Apollo's pellets and timothy hay. They happily munchedhay and settled down. They were either handled alot by theirowner(which I sincerely doubt considering how they came to be wherethey were) or just knew we saved them.Because they had no problemletting me handle them. I stayed for awhile so I could show them how tohandle them. I answered alot of questions. And I will take any of themshould they need a new home-mine.

I feel good. I may not have been able to keep one but I learned avaluable lesson. That although I am still heart broken I can still careand even with timelove again. I know who I have to thank forthat. So my dear Athena, thank you Angel.

Tina,I know you miss your littleAthena. They sure can find a place in your heart soquickly. Just by having her and and Apollo, you were able tohelp 3 other bunnies. Hopefully the new owners will know asmuch joy that you had with your Athena. You know that she issending you bunny kisses from heaven. To bad some one did nothave a video camera when all that rabbit chasing was goingon. I bet it was quite interesting for someone not doing thechasing to watch. I just do not understand people who dumpanimals off. I guess they just do not get the part aboutresponsibility. So glad all went so well with catching thebuns. Beckie

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