Anyone with aquariums?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
Hey! I was just wondering who here has an aquarium? :)

We just got a 29 gallon tank today, and it's so pretty! We haven't got our fish yet, hopefully tomorrow evening or Saturday/Sunday. We got everything going to start running, then realized when we read the back of the gravel bag (silly girls who don't read instructions LOL!) we didn't have enough gravel! So we had to go back out, take out some water, and add more gravel. We also picked up some live plants and other decorations for it too.

We are probably going to start out with a 6-7 barbs to start the cycle for the aquarium, then go from there. We've been reading up on aquariums, it sounds awesome! We haven't had an aquarium of this size, so it's all new for us!

Here it is..


(Can you tell which plants are real/fake?)
Wow it looks great! I used to keep lots of fish, be sure that the next lot of fish will become "tank mates" with the barbs otherwise they all be totaly stressed out. And as for the plants, nope I cant tell, they all look real to me:)
looks good.

We also have a 29 Gallon, but ours is Saltwater. When the light comes on I'll take pics(auto light doesnt come on til 8am)... in our tank theres 2 nemos, 1 dory, a yellow tang, several blue leg crabs and a horseshoe crab.
I have a fifty five gallon, twenty nine gallon, thirty gallon, twenty gallon and a fifteen gallon. Ikeep goldfish, a tropical tank with a bn pleco, one lone neon tetra, a lone albino cory catand some feeder guppies.

I also have seven 2 1/2 gallon betta tanks. One can never have too many fish.....;)

I actually used to have more tanks but had to downsize due to lack of time to properly care for them :(
Hi! I have a 55 gallon saltwater tank. Here's a shot of the whole tank:

And here's a close up of my fish:

I don't have the little damsal on the right anymore; he died about a year ago. But the other guys I've had for about 13 years. The big red one is a squirrelfish, then there are the clownfish and the yellow tang. I also have a lot less liverock in there now; I've moved twice since this picture and each time put less rock in.
danios are great freshwater fish and they come in lots of patterns and colors(the glo-fish are danios too................). at huge school would look great! i don't have a tank any more but i used to have two(i traded them out for a bunner...................:biggrin2:)

good luck!

luvthempigs wrote:
I have a fifty five gallon, twenty nine gallon, thirty gallon, twenty gallon and a fifteen gallon. Ikeep goldfish, a tropical tank with a bn pleco, one lone neon tetra, a lone albino cory catand some feeder guppies.

I also have seven 2 1/2 gallon betta tanks. One can never have too many fish.....;)

I actually used to have more tanks but had to downsize due to lack of time to properly care for them :(
holy moly! Thats a buncha tanks! :)
Yea, Well to be honest I wish I had the space to have alarger tank(s) (don't think my floor can handle the weight of anything larger)Goldfish can grow really large if given the space :)And, I would love to have an Oscar :cool:
Yep, I have three tanks. A 29 gallon with 3 Goldfish, Dorie, Jacob & Sammi. A 15 gallong with 1 Chinese Algae Eater, Scoot. Finally a 5 gallon with my Betta, Komage. Pics in my blog and avatar!
Oh awesome! That's so cool!

We're still not sure exactly what kind of fish to get.. we were thinking of barbs, but we might like into another hardy fish that's not so fin-biting! I worry about the tiger barbs acting like little brats if we were to add other fish in. No bratty fish! :biggrin2:

I have a ten gallon tank and two fish. I have had the tank for over 10 years and it had become a hassle so I decided to not get anymore fish after the ones I had died, but that is where the story begins.
I wasn't going to get anymore fish after the ones I had dies and I thought it wouldn't be very long before they did. They are neon tetras and I have never been able to keep them alive for more that a few months. So, I figured it wouldn't be any diferent and just let the tank go. That was over a year ago and they are still alive! So, I have a delima. They are schooling fish and like to have a buddy, but I don't want any more fish. They seem to live better now that I have let their tank grow over with algae. It needs to be cleaned, but I don't want to kill the fish that have lived so long. I wonder why now that I have decided to not get anymore and not really take care of the tank these fish, that I have never been able to keep alive before, have thrived, lol.
Spring wrote:
Oh awesome! That's so cool!

We're still not sure exactly what kind of fish to get.. we were thinking of barbs, but we might like into another hardy fish that's not so fin-biting! I worry about the tiger barbs acting like little brats if we were to add other fish in. No bratty fish! :biggrin2:

DANIOS! they're amazing, pretty, friendly, and lovely schoolers. they play together, greet you if you come up to the tank and loads of nice colors/verities. there's

Zebra Danios, Leopard Danios, Gold Danios(kinda like albino zebra danios)and Blue Danios. They top out at about 1 3/4 inches and in a 29 gallon, you could do 20 plus a school of about 5 or 6 corys and maybe 4 ottos(little sucker moth cat fish, very cut and GREAT a algae control). Just an idea, sorry, i sorta took off with that idea, didn't i?:p:D:shock:

I'm re-settingup my 12 gallon tank! i'm so happy, i've really missed my fish. I'm getting two quarter sized angelfish and three panda corys! I'm so exited!

Anna(or the Fish-Nut, which ever you prefer:p!)
I had a 10-gal but it broke, so now we just use it for bugs (Cuz there's a crack in it, so water leaks out :p). In the summer we house Praying Mantis' and run a little "rehab" and "safe haven" for them until winter time, etc. Its for the little guys, etc. and then we hope someday they'll breed...boy, they sure are a lot of work and fun to watch though!

But now onto the fishies: I have two bettas; A female named Zelda (cuz she is tan/black/ and has black stripes so she looks like Zelda.) Then I also have a boy named Blitz, he's blue, green, red and purple. I'm actucally in the process of breeding them right now. The female is in a smaller tank in the boys bigger tank, she'll be there for a week, then I'll (somehow!) carefully clean the tanks, take out the rocks in the males tank, and let them breed....needless to say, this is the fifth or sixth time trying to breed them....

It's funny. Sometimes she'll want to breed, but he's too chicken, and other times it vice versa. I just wish they'd get it done already! Lol.

..keep forgetting to take pics.

Well, this morning we walked downstairs to find our yellow tang was dead. there went 50 bucks.. but whateverm poor guy.. we had him for about a year now.

off to take pics of our 3 fish :(
Aww, so sorry to hear :(.

We've decided to get a couple white skirt tetra's to start off with. We took our water into the petstore to get tested (no fishies without tests first!) and the ammonia is quite high, so we have to wait until next Thursday for the tank tokeep running,then get it tested again. Then after we get the fish, they'll test the waterthe next daythen 2 weeks later. He says that the live plants are probably throwing the ammonia levels off, but helping the PH.

Hopefully we can get our fish next week!
I have a 33-gallon, but honestly, I have to be the worst at keeping fish. Tried measuring levels but sucked at that (ammonia has always been high it seems, no matter what I do), tried different filters, fake plants rather than real - the real ones kept dying anyway - tried all sorts of things. Now I maintain it as best I can and only keep the fish that are hardiest. I have a big pleco - those suckers must be hardy, as I've had him for about six years now - a few platys and six cory cats. The cats surprised me, as I started out with two and now have six (had seven but gave one away); I didn't think they'd breed so easily. The platys are on a never-ending cycle...if one or two die, they're ultimately replaced by new ones that appear out of the depths. Oh, almost forgot, I also have a gold gourami who is pretty tough as well.
Since getting photos of fish is nearly impossible with this camera.. I just made a video. here ya go.. [ame=][/ame]
I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank with a few neon tetras and serpae tetras and about a million snails. We don't know where the snails came from, considering we've never even bought live plants.