Anyone on a special diet?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2011
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Westchester, New York, USA
I was just wondering if anyone here is on a special diet? I personally eat gluten free because I have gluten intolerance, and was wondering if any other rabbit owner also had a special diet. I am glad rabbits eat veggies. My rabbit buster is inspiring me to eat more vegetables. I am not missing bread as much :D

I have a lot of awesome recipes, so if anyone wants to trade gluten free/special recipes, I would love to hear them :)
I ate gluten free for about 5 years. Luckily the antibodies I had were the kind that could "reset" themselves over time without gluten. Now I can eat it again. I don't quite understand, but I'm happy. Now I'm vegetarian. It was very hard to do both at the same time.

Best of luck. At least there are many substitutes out there now.
Thanks :)Ive been eating gluten free for four years now, and its getting a lot easier. It is hard to see my family eat deli sandwiches and pizza and other awesome processed stuff I miss, but there are so many substitutes. Whenever I bake my whole family eats it, so it must be a little tasty ... That's nice you were able to eat gluten again! I am not that much of a veggie person to become a vegetarian, and I definitely could not do both diets:)
I have tried many different diets in hopes it would help my stomach issues. I found being dairy free a lot harder then gluten free and the worst was when I did both at the same time!

I've tried gluten free a couple times over the years and its much easier to do it now then it was before. Now there is a "gluten free" version of everything and you can even find gluten free products in regular grocery stores. The gluten free bread is actually pretty good now compared to the nasty rice bread they had 10 years ago.

The dairy free(and casien)diet was harder for me as there isn't a good vegan cheese and I'm a cheese fanatic. So I missed cheese a lot. I also combined it with going gluten free and I think that was the problem. Going dairy free on its own wouldn't have been too bad but combining it with gluten free there wasn't a lot of stuff you can eat.

Unfortunately going gluten free didn't help my stomach so I stopped. But I still use a lot of the gluten free products that I liked. Like using rice crackers and I still make gluten free pizza crust.
Nancy, I recently developed an allergy to some anti biotics. I couldn't imagine being allergic to all of them, sometimes they are necessary.

Degrassi, I first got stomach problems about 5 years ago, and didn't know what was wrong. After over a year of many tests they told me I had IBS and "gluten intolerance", I also was eating dairy free because I thought I was lactose intolerant so I was taking lactaid for a while, I gave up with that after I realized that it wasn't helping me. I started doing a process of elimination diet and realized every time I ate anything with corn syrup in it I got extremely ill. I knew it was odd but after I told my doctor, she said that was normal for people with stomach problems. So Ive been corn syrup free for 4 years and I feel about 70 % better. Fat bothers me also, so occasionally I still get sick but if I eat correctly I will feel OK. If you have stomach problems I would suggest getting tested for things like Celiac and Crohn's disease. It is no fun feeling like poo. Feel better! Try a process of elimination diet, it also may help to get tested for allergies.. Good Luck :)
Degrassi, you might want to check your health food stores again for vegan cheese. My local grocery store is awesome and carries two brands, one soy based and the other rice based, with several flavors. The soy melts better and the rice is better cold. I can't do cow milk but anything from goats or sheep is fine for some reason.
I recently gave up dairy. I had one of my ovaries removed last year and my hormones never stabilized. I suddenly started getting really bad acne. I took a suggestion to cut the milk out of my diet...and it went away! Apparently the hormones in milk can really mess you up if you are sensitive to them.

I cheat and have an ice cream now and then. :p
MiniLopHop wrote:
There's also vegan ice cream. Try tofu cuties, they are the best ice cream sandwiches with no dairy!
I have tried a few vegan icecream which were pretty good (especially cocoanut flavored!). I will look out for Tofu Cuties! I have to admit, my greatest miss is my local ice cream place that does custard ice cream. The just closed for the season and it was a really bummer that I skipped out.
MiniLopHop wrote:
Degrassi, you might want to check your health food stores again for vegan cheese. My local grocery store is awesome and carries two brands, one soy based and the other rice based, with several flavors. The soy melts better and the rice is better cold. I can't do cow milk but anything from goats or sheep is fine for some reason.
Oh I know there is vegan cheese, I tried every one I can find. Its ok for some things but definitely not like cheese in taste or texture. Soy cheese tastes better but most soy cheese still has casien in it, which is what I was trying to stay away from. I also had to stay away from goat and sheep milk as they also have casien. Made it really had to use any dairy alternatives as they had to be vegan(no casien)

I found some great ice cream/yogurt replacements. They were coconut milk based and so good. The product line is called "so delicious". I still buy them as coconut is my fav.

Degrassi, I first got stomach problems about 5 years ago, and didn't know what was wrong. After over a year of many tests they told me I had IBS and "gluten intolerance", I also was eating dairy free because I thought I was lactose intolerant so I was taking lactaid for a while, I gave up with that after I realized that it wasn't helping me. I started doing a process of elimination diet and realized every time I ate anything with corn syrup in it I got extremely ill. I knew it was odd but after I told my doctor, she said that was normal for people with stomach problems. So Ive been corn syrup free for 4 years and I feel about 70 % better. Fat bothers me also, so occasionally I still get sick but if I eat correctly I will feel OK. If you have stomach problems I would suggest getting tested for things like Celiac and Crohn's disease. It is no fun feeling like poo. Feel better! Try a process of elimination diet, it also may help to get tested for allergies.. Good Luck :)

I've been suffering with what the doctors call "severe IBS" for 13 years. I've had every test, tried every medication, done every therapy, tried every diet, done everything alternative, and nothing has helped. I also have a connective tissue disorder so I think that possibly be the cause, who knows. The doctors dont' know anything. I've done a LOT of elimination diets over the years. I did one where I only ate rice for a couple months then added back each food one by one. For me it doesn't seem to be the food, its just the act of eating that sets me off. I wish a special diet helped, I'd eat the same thing every day if it made me feel better.

Wow, I could not imagine still being as sick as I was, Im lucky that diet helps me feel better. My GI doctor told me when I first got sick that IBS was a "garbage can diagnosis" meaning a lot of symptoms for no reason. He insisted there was a reason so I got tests done and in the end he said, "you have IBS". ( I proved him wrong :) ) The only thing he could tell me was that a low dose anti-depressant might help my stomach symptoms. I was reluctant at first since I was on anti spasmodic drugs for a while and that made me feel worse, but decided to give it a try. Between that and diet it helps me feel about 70% better, but now i'm nervous because I don't know if ill ever be able to get off of them... There are doctors out there that specialize in IBS. If you have the money and time it may be worth looking into them.

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