Anyone know what the minimum age to sell rabbits is in Utah

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May 7, 2013
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I think I found one yahoo group (rabbit_breeders_of_utah) that tries to incorrectly state Salt Lake County ordinance/ city code (8.04.440) as a Utah state law. Does anyone know if Utah has any law about the minimum age to sell rabbits? If there is a law, can someone point out where the info is?
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Last time I looked, there wasn't any state law that specified an age. Each county/city is going to differ. I know that Salt Lake City itself, has an ordinance stating that they have to be at least 8 weeks old, but that isn't a county ordinance, just the city itself and maybe any annexes that are governed by the city's laws. You would just need to explore the laws of whatever city/county you are in, to know what their laws are regarding this. I personally feel it is best to wait til they are 8 weeks old, just because it seems to be best for their health. I have gotten baby bunnies in the past, at times they have been younger than 8 weeks old, and it seemed the younger they were, the more health problems they had or developed over the years.
I'd check with animal control in your area for a definitive answer. We always feel that even though most say 8 weeks, that 12 weeks is a better age. Some of our rescues came to us at probably 6 weeks. Beth was only 6 ounces and now is 11 pounds. She was found in a park next to a school, so somebody called the "crazy bunny guy".

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