anyone here read the book watership down?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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Bristol, New Hampshire, USA
it just happens to be one of my all time favroite books
I also have the secound one but do not like it nearly as much

& when I can find iton dvd/video I will get it as well

for thoes of you who have not read this book you are in for atreat

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I cried like a baby at the end, every time Iread it. :bigtears:I NEVER cry. I highly reccomend this bookto ANYONE, not just rabbit lovers.

One of my favorite parts is when Woundwart findsout that Bigwig isn't the cheif and fears there is an even biggerrabbit in charge! :shock:That and when Bigwig starts talking likeKeehar.:)"DatD*** Cat!"

Both"Watership Down" and "The Plague Dogs" werewell-written. I also started "Maia" , but didn't finishit....maybe sometime.

"The private life of the rabbit" by Benjamin Lockely (sp?) is veryhelpful in understanding bunny behavior. I think he studied only wildrabbits, though.

K.T. :)

I love this book, although I haven't read it for a while.

The film makes me cry, well, just the 'Bright eyes' music.

Mum said that in the film there used to be another bit where a bunnygot run over on the road, but they cut that out before I got a chanceto watch it. I saw it first about 17 years ago, so they must haveeditted it ages ago.
By far, its my favorite book. I can read it overand over and never get sick of it. I own the dvd as well. I wasdissapointed though. I wish they would remake it.
I wish that The Jim Henson Company would remakeit, like they did with Animal Farm. That would be FREAKINGSWEET!!!I was disappointed with the animated version too.They left out alot of the story, and changed things around. I didn'tlike how all the rabbits had red eyes, and the Effefrians all had weirdbug looking eyes.


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