Anyone here own a turtle?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I was just wondering how many of our membershere own a turtle or turtles? What kind? I'd love to see some pictureof the turtle(s) and the setup's they're in.

I have a 2 year old eastern box turtle in a 20 gal. long setup. He'sabout to be upgraded to a 40 gal. tank next week. We're also buildinghim an outdoor setup once winter is over. Here's some pictures of Pokeythe Speedy Turtle:

Sorry I can't help. I'd love to see the pics,but can't get them to come up.

We found a baby snapping turtle a few years ago, but we only kept him acouple of weeks. We released him at a lake in a wildlifereserve.

Sorry about that. Photobucket has been giving mea headache of problems for the past two weeks, the biggest being thatthe site hardly ever loads, or takes forever to do so. I copied andpasted these, hopefully they show up...

Aww...Pokey's adorable!! I just love that they always have these adorable looks on their faces!

We used to have a Red-Eared turtle when I was a teen, namedTommy. It's funny because my mother and I read that femaleturtles have shorter nails than males (at least with the watervarieties), and saw that Tommy had pretty good-lengthed nails, so thusassumed he was a boy. Well, a few years later, we went to apark near us that had lots of them in their HUGE natural water lake,and BOY did they mean LONG nails! Turns out our Tommy wasactually female!

Poor girl...we just never had the heart to change her name to something more feminine. :)

Your Pokey sure is cute!! :D
Pam, I love the RES and I plan on having a pairone day in the future. I love the African Sideneck turtles soon,aquatic turtles are wonderful.

I re-did Pokey's tank tonight. I went out and bought 2 different rolesof plant garland (artificial) and I found one I had in storage. Icleaned them, stretched them out, and sunction cupped them around thetank. It looks much better and Pokey is thankful for the added foliage,I'm sure. He finally gave up trying to eat it 10 minutes ago.

EDIT: Once again, Photobucket isn't agreeing with me... so I had to post the links instead of the picture itself.

I have a sulcatta tortoise. Not a turtle, butclose. I've had her for 7 years and got her when she was a baby. Shewas the first pet that was actually mine.



My brother has a yellow bellied slider.

Hehe...Pokey is great, and so is his new tank! :D

That's a lot more than our Tommy got! My mom didn't getterribly creative with his (er...her...I still get mixed up)tank...just a few rocks set up just right so she could get on top andsunbathe (her tank was where the sunshine came in rather nicely), andthat was about it. :?

If I had a turtle today, his/her tank would be as close to natural lifeas possible. Poor Tommy had to live in a three gallon all herlife, and she got HUGE so that she took up about half the tank rightabout when we let her go into the wild. Crazy...I would havedone things completely different, had I been at any age to handle itmyself. I was twelve at the time.

Tommy came to us because my mother's indoor/outdoor cats brought himwhen he was about the size of a dime, and were playing withhim. My mom went over to see what they were playing with (toput it outside), and low and behold...little tiny Tommy!

I loved Tommy dearly...she was beautiful, and though she snapped at us,I talked to her daily and asked to feed her whenever it was timeto. She was wonderful...I might have one of my own oneday. :) Though I think this time I'd like to have anon-aquatic turtle, just to switch things up. ;)

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