Well-Known Member
Wanted to hear from anyone who has had facialcysts removed and if you are glad you did it or wished you hadconsidered other options.
My daughter has had 2 previous tumors removed from her face, but they were near the hair-line, so the scars are not noticeable.
About 6 months ago, a cyst developed deep in her cheek. (It doesn'tprotude from her face, the area is just darker). It has grown steadily to nearly 2 inches long! Thedermatologist insisted it was acne, and put her on massiveantibiotics. When that didn't work, he squeezed the cyst HARDin an attempt to "pop" it. (Didn't work, and daughter was inpain for many days afterwards.) Note: You are NOTsupposed to squeeze the cysts :X
Went to a plastic surgeon on Wed. who suggested having the cystremoved. It will leave a scar on herface, but itappears there are no other options. She'sin pain and the cystis getting larger.
I hate to have her regret having a surgery that will permanently scarher face, but not sure that we have any other choice. Anyonewith a similar experience?
The cysts seem to run in our family. I have 6 on my scalp, soSteph and I were planning "mother/daughter surgery" and going intogether to have our cysts removed (I'm just having 1 removed).
My pretty little girl . . .
My daughter has had 2 previous tumors removed from her face, but they were near the hair-line, so the scars are not noticeable.
About 6 months ago, a cyst developed deep in her cheek. (It doesn'tprotude from her face, the area is just darker). It has grown steadily to nearly 2 inches long! Thedermatologist insisted it was acne, and put her on massiveantibiotics. When that didn't work, he squeezed the cyst HARDin an attempt to "pop" it. (Didn't work, and daughter was inpain for many days afterwards.) Note: You are NOTsupposed to squeeze the cysts :X
Went to a plastic surgeon on Wed. who suggested having the cystremoved. It will leave a scar on herface, but itappears there are no other options. She'sin pain and the cystis getting larger.
I hate to have her regret having a surgery that will permanently scarher face, but not sure that we have any other choice. Anyonewith a similar experience?
The cysts seem to run in our family. I have 6 on my scalp, soSteph and I were planning "mother/daughter surgery" and going intogether to have our cysts removed (I'm just having 1 removed).
My pretty little girl . . .