Anyone have any ideas as to what mix of breeds Chester is?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Cleveland-area, Ohio, USA
This is newest addition. He's approximately 2 years old and I'd venture a guess that he's between 4 and 5 pounds.

He's a finicky guy and is still a jumble of nerves when he's out of his pen, so these are the best pics I could get without stressing him out.


And here's a close-up (and a cute picture) of my little guy.


For some reason I think he's got some kind of lop in there, but I'm not sure and am certainly no expert. So any guesses are welcome.

Isn't he cute?!
He is very cute. I dont know what he has in him though. I'll have to leave that to someone else.:biggrin2:
He is very cute and great at disapproving looks too! :hearts

I don't know what he's a mix of but his face reminds me a lot of Pennie's Bo, so could he have some Rex in him? Chester's face also resembles the Disapproving Rabbit lady's Cinnamon, but I'm not sure what breed Cinnamon is.
I think I see what you mean about the lop, because the ears are so thick ? And a little less round than a say a ND or some other such breed. Plus his face is thickish, or wide.

He's very cute, he reminds me of my grandpa (so he's a strapping lad).
I'm a tad curious about his looking like someone's grandfather (he he!), but thanks for reinforcing his absolute cuteness :)!

Both Bo and Cinnamon are mini rexes or standards. And that's funny since I just didn't think he had any rex in him. I had both William and Ruby and they were both mini's and I really saw no resemblance. But that doesn't mean that it isn't so. His face just seems much more wide than theirs was. And his body (ears included) is thicker than what I'm used to and reminds me of a lop.

It really doesn't matter because I'll love him no matter what. He's a cutie patootie and a little tubby love! Ha ha! And y'all wonder why he gives such a great "look!" He's destined for stardom - bring on the Disapproving Rabbits!
'And that's funny since I just didn't think he had any rex in him. I had both William and Ruby and they were both mini's and I really saw no resemblance.'

the first thing i thought when i saw him was "he looks like he's got some rexy in him....", LOL!
He looks a LOT like my girly Mouse, and when I asked about her when she first came home, I was told she probably had some mini-rex in her, so I can agree with that! I don't know about Chester, but Mouse's fur is very silky soft, and very 'flat' against her skin... sleek! That's the word... Nothing like mini-rex fur but different to my other buns...



I agree that he does look like Jen's Mouse, but I think his body type isn't coming through in pictures. He's much thicker than Mouse is. I guess that's why I'm hesitant to believe that he has mini rex or standard rex in him. But maybe he does and I'm just delusional - ha ha!

His fur is very sleek and his coloring is right on with cute Mouse's. And I think he'd be honored to be told he looks like her. Maybe Jen should send her over to me to see if they'd makea cute couple. What do you think?!

He's a good, sweet boy and that's all that matters. So rexy, loppy, or just plain, Chester's mine and I love him.

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