Well-Known Member
I've got student orientation to go to tomorrow and was wondering if anyone else is getting ready to go off on a big college adventure. I'm going to University of Alaska Anchorage. Anyone else? 
Amy, you might still want to give the vet tech career a shot. You'd be surprised how quickly you can get used to the "gross" stuff.
We homeschool and do dissections for biology. Matthew (8) hasn't really been keen on doing complete animal dissections (he'll do "parts" separately LOL), so I was surprised when he sat in on a rabbit and cavy necropsy class at "rabbit school" and wasn't squeamish at all.
Me neither, I never took Biology for that sole reason, the thought of it made me sick and my parents wouldn't have excused me from it even though I would have gladly done a report over the dissection. Oddly enough, I volunteered at a vet clinic and watched a few spays and didn't so much as bat an eye.Ahhh. I could never dissect.
We might have to do rats this year, maybe it's sixth form I'm not sure.There's a preserved dissected rabbit in one of the biologylabs in my school - people love to point it out to me.
Sensitive vets are THE BEST!I'm like you Amy, I'd really struggle to be a vet because it would kill me to see them in pain, I could never put one down, I'd be bawling, which wouldn't be very professional. :?
I'm curious to all you Great Britian people, is it true that all your Post-Secondaryeducationis paid for by the government? I heard this a while back and was wondering if it is true.
I'm curious to all you Great Britian people, is it true that all your Post-Secondaryeducationis paid for by the government? I heard this a while back and was wondering if it is true.
Sorry double post.