Anyone else starting college this year?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
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Anchorage, Alaska, USA
I've got student orientation to go to tomorrow and was wondering if anyone else is getting ready to go off on a big college adventure. I'm going to University of Alaska Anchorage. Anyone else? :)
I should be, but I may wait until the spring to start community college. It give myself time to get my life all settled. This year has been rough.

I want to look into becoming a vet tech...maybe. I sort of changed my mind away from that idea though....when I saw Peg cleaning an absess on one of her bunnies while I was staying with her for a bit :yuck.

I just graduated last May. I wish I was starting. haha! I had so much fun at uni. :biggrin2: Oh well, back to the real world. :(

My daughter is starting pre-nursing at community college in a couple weeks. (Orientation is next Tuesday) I'm still in shock from the cost of her first semester books - $1200!

Amy, you might still want to give the vet tech career a shot. You'd be surprised how quickly you can get used to the "gross" stuff. My sister used to work at a nursing home while she was inhigh school andgot queasy easily - including when someone would take their dentures out. She's been an Registered Nurse for about 10 years and worksin triage atCleveland Clinic in Ohio.

pamnock wrote:
Amy, you might still want to give the vet tech career a shot. You'd be surprised how quickly you can get used to the "gross" stuff.

Yeah, you are probably right. I hate blood and stuff. I also cry when an animal is in pain. I wouldn't be able to put an animal to sleep or help.

I am too soft/scared to even go volunteer at our local shelter.

I am sure you get very used to it though.
We homeschool and do dissections for biology. Matthew (8) hasn't really been keen on doing complete animal dissections (he'll do "parts" separately LOL), so I was surprised when he sat in on a rabbit and cavy necropsy class at "rabbit school" and wasn't squeamish at all.

pamnock wrote:
We homeschool and do dissections for biology. Matthew (8) hasn't really been keen on doing complete animal dissections (he'll do "parts" separately LOL), so I was surprised when he sat in on a rabbit and cavy necropsy class at "rabbit school" and wasn't squeamish at all.


Ahhh. I could never dissect.

While everyone else dissected frogs in my biology lab, I got to go sit in the study room while I recieved a 100% on the project.

Why? I am dealthy afraid of frogs and would panic attack and probably end up passing out on the floor.
undergunfire wrote:
Ahhh. I could never dissect.
Me neither, I never took Biology for that sole reason, the thought of it made me sick and my parents wouldn't have excused me from it even though I would have gladly done a report over the dissection. Oddly enough, I volunteered at a vet clinic and watched a few spays and didn't so much as bat an eye.

I'm not starting college this year, it's actually my second year but I know what it feels like to be going for the first time. It's nerve wracking and you have no idea what to expect! Trust me, it gets easier after the first semester.
I suppose our schooling thing is different to yours. At 16 we finish school and can get a job or carry on atcollegeand university. Ive chosen to carry on at college and do the national diploma in animal care then hopefully carry on to uni. My ultimate goal is to be a vetenary surgeon. But it'll meen that Id need to work REALLY hard and get really good grades. :D
ahh tundrakatiebean you're gonna have so much fun!!!

i'm going to be a senior this year, and i wish i was starting over! seriously college is the best 4yrs of your life! you'll meet some of the best friends and people ever, its truly a different connection than high school!

best of luck!!!!

sadly i graduate this year, then off to grad school and the real world, gross :p
I'm like you Amy, I'd really struggle to be a vet because it would kill me to see them in pain, I could never put one down, I'd be bawling, which wouldn't be very professional. :?

I don't think the blood would bother me, I was ok when Berri abscesses were being drained, and it didn't bother me to clean them. Though we had to dissect a pig's heart in Biology and I nearly's different when they are dead. We might have to do rats this year, maybe it's sixth form I'm not sure.:(There's a preserved dissected rabbit in one of the biologylabs in my school - people love to point it out to me. :(

Anyways....good luck with college Katie, and anyone else who is starting, I'll not be starting University for another 3 years (if I get all the grades), but I hope it's great for you! :biggrin2:
Michaela wrote:
We might have to do rats this year, maybe it's sixth form I'm not sure.:(There's a preserved dissected rabbit in one of the biologylabs in my school - people love to point it out to me. :(

Rats :(. Rabbits :(.

My biology had preserved cats in bags, in a box for dissection. I hated him for the rest of the year for that and I made sure he knew it.

Frogs, yeah, they can be pets....but really got to me and upset me.

I already pretty much hated the teacher for having a big boa constrictor in his classroom and feeding it baby rats from off of a student's farm that the kid brought in. There is nothing worse than hearing an animal scream in pain as a snake latches onto it.

Gah, now I made myself mad just thinking about it and will probably be mad all day.
Sorry I made you angry Amy. :(Go hug Marlin, he'll make you feel better. :D

I can't believe your teacher did that with the snake, that'sevil,those poor poor ratties. :tears2:
I'm curious to all you Great Britian people, is it true that all your Post-Secondaryeducationis paid for by the government? I heard this a while back and was wondering if it is true.


Sorry double post.
Michaela wrote:
I'm like you Amy, I'd really struggle to be a vet because it would kill me to see them in pain, I could never put one down, I'd be bawling, which wouldn't be very professional. :?
Sensitive vets are THE BEST!

That's actually what I love about our cat vet. He's cried with us over ever cat we've euthanized.He sent a sympathy card when our bunny Stewart died (though he didn't see him as a patient). I've known him to try to save a baby bunny that he accidentally mowed over.

Just this past April we decided together to put to sleep our precious Tigger. Gary & I shared custody of him with the vet's office. Tigger was injured in an accident and had no use of his back legs. Our vet kept him at the office for years until we started bringing him home for vacations...then semi-permanently. Tiggy's euthanasia was attended by 8 or 9 people. Nobody cried more than Dr. Paul. We all wept and petted him as he crossed the bridge with his nose in a can of his favorite food.

Amy: Some of the best vets, vet techs, and Humane League workers I have known are that way. THAT'S the kind of vet I am privileged to have. And if you are that kind of person...then you really might have what it takes to work in vet medicine.


Oh, and :goodluckto all of you headed off to college. Those are great years. Enjoy them!

-Mary Ellen
SOOOSKA wrote:
I'm curious to all you Great Britian people, is it true that all your Post-Secondaryeducationis paid for by the government? I heard this a while back and was wondering if it is true.


By that do you mean university? I don't think so, my parents had to pay for my brother and sister to go through uni. I'm no expert though so I could be wrong!:D


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