Anyone Else Have This Problem Last Night??

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2009
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New Carlisle, Ohio, USA
My Babies always eat there pellets over night. They didn't touch them. They did eat their hay and drink their water though. I'm wondering if the fireworks upset them.

Anyone else have this problem??? Thanks for replys. I've never had a problem with them not eating pellets.
How are they acting today? Fireworks might do it, also the weather might too, if tis hot, stuffy and/or 'close'.
Their acting fine. They were fine last night too. I thought. Their house rabbits. So their in air conditioning. Not hot in here.

Both their water bowls were about empty so I know they drank. I can tell they both ate hay. Gonna clean out their litter boxes to make sure their still going to the bathroom today.

I'm trying not to worry too much since they ate hay. If they don't eat better by tomorrow I may call the vet. It's just strange that they both didn't eat their pellets. I'm thinking maybe some stress from last night. Thanks. :biggrin2:
My doe was thumping A LOT when people were setting off fireworks, but today she's fine. The hot weather has caused them to cute down their pellet intake, but that's normal for them.
Shadow and Spirit were both acting nervous and clingy to each other last night during the fireworks..they are both back to normal today though =)
The babies were the only ones really freaking out here last night. My sister was the one who fed them pellets this morning while I did hay and other chores; so I don't know if they ate their pellets.

All the other bunnies did though.

Bayou was enraged last night. He slung his food bowl across the cage and then hid in his house the rest of the night. :shock:

The fireworks were so close to the house the windows were shaking.
I had this problem! My buns eat overnight as well and no one ate once the fireworks hit but the next morning after some cuddles they both chowed down :)
I've seen them eat hay and drink today. I hope they eat their pellets tonight. If not, I'll prob call the vetthis morning.

Thanks everyone for your responses :)....April

edit: their using the bathroom(pee and poo). I cleaned out their litter boxes. So I know that too. :biggrin2:

My two guys did not eat their pellets, either, 4th of July night. I believe it was indeed the noise. I know the noise rattled my nerves, and even though they seemed ok, I am sure they were a little upset about it. I can't remember, but I think the same thing has happened on 4th's in past years. My street goes crazy with the fireworks, but this year it was ridiculous. It was so bad the smoke was a haze everywhere, and my car was coated with a cloudy film.
I''m pretty lucky as firework's are banned here.. have been for a long time,the only time fireworks are used is when there is a special event on licenced premises,but just ordinary people are not allowed to have them anymore.
The trash in the street left behind made a real mess overnight, too, as it rained all over the spent casings!

I found stuff floating in my pond too. Not good for my fishies.
Gordon wrote:
The trash in the street left behind made a real mess overnight, too, as it rained all over the spent casings!

I found stuff floating in my pond too. Not good for my fishies.
Gosh that's terrible
I will say one other thing to clarify:

Every night at 7 pm, I set two small shallow bowls out with just enough Oxbow Bunny Basic T pellets to cover the bottoms. They come galloping, eat what they please, which may be one bowl's worth! and then they'll run back to the bedroom, or hang out in the living room until I leave to go my 3rd shift job. When I come home in the morning, both bowls are almost always picked clean. Sometimes, though, for whatever reason, and I think the fireworks was the reason this time, they don't finish the other bowl. It used to worry me a bit, but this only occurs about once a month or so.

So... On that note, I must say they didn't finish last night's bowls, either, which is a tad unusual, but they're eating hay normally, though characteristically pickily, and pooping up a storm as always, so I'm not worried.

I think you just have to watch all the other behaviors and be careful, but not finishing the pellets isn't really too much of a concern, as long as your bunnies are acting normally otherwise. Now, if they consistently start turning their cute little noses up at those pellets, then I'd first open a new bag, and then if they persist, I'd take them to the vet to make sure they are healthy.

cheryl wrote:
Gordon wrote:
The trash in the street left behind made a real mess overnight, too, as it rained all over the spent casings!

I found stuff floating in my pond too.  Not good for my fishies.

Gosh that's terrible

Yes, it is terrible. You should see the mess everywhere, but what upset me was the stuff floating around in my little self-dug pond, in my backyard. --Shreds of paper casings, and even a long red plastic straw of some sort that I guess was launched with the fireworks.

Ah well, it is what it is. I hate to be a grinch about 4th of July. My neighborhood just gets very hardcore into it; this year more than ever, for whatever reason.
Gordon wrote:
cheryl wrote:
Gordon wrote:
The trash in the street left behind made a real mess overnight, too, as it rained all over the spent casings!

I found stuff floating in my pond too. Not good for my fishies.
Gosh that's terrible

Ah well, it is what it is. I hate to be a grinch about 4th of July. My neighborhood just gets very hardcore into it; this year more than ever, for whatever reason.
I don't blame you for being annoyed by all that,i think i would be as well,i still think wow,you found stuff in your pond! :shock:

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