Anyone care for a Whiskey and Seltzer?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
Hello! I was asked to introduce myself. I am Ande, and I have been a bunny mom since I brought little Whiskey home in June. She is a 3 1/2month old French angora, and is such an inquisibun!


Then came Seltzer. My Mail lady saw me at the mailbox with Whiskey one day and felt the need to tell me about the domestic rabbit running loose on her route. Good for Seltzer, bad for my stress level. I spent the next week worrying about this poor little bunny, and stressing over how I was going to catch it. The firemans picnic in town was that weekend, and the loud noise scared little Seltzer into hiding. It was almost a week later after worrying so, that I got a call telling me the rabbit was back, so I talked to the people whose yard it frequented, and he turned out to be a friend of my roommate... (he did not turn it loose mind you, his wifes neice did, and the rabbit just liked their flowers best.) he suggested I set a live trap in his wifes flowers, so I did, and within 24 hours, Seltzer was home. S/he has now been with me for 10 days. S/he is an English Spot, and such a lover. S/he will be going to the vet tomorrow, so I will know gender for sure, ( I am sure she is a girl...) She does love her mama ever since I cured her fleas, and got the tick out of her leg, poor baby...


These are my bunnies! the dog and cat are jealous that I don't have a dog/cat forum... poor girls!
I'll take one! It's been a long day already.

Your bunnies are cute, cute, cute. I love the rescue story about Seltzer. What a lucky little girl (or boy, he he).

Welcome aboard.
Welcome to RO!!:biggrin2:

What a lovely story and gorgeous pics too....:p
My buns name is BK, he is a blue minilop and loves me insanely.
RO is filled with all sorts of bunny goodies. I joined just recently and just love it.
Good luck at the vets, I am going be different and say she is a he...hehe

let us know:)
Welcome to RO Ande! :wave:

Ooh such adorable rabbits! What a great story of rescuing Seltzer,she's a lucky bunny! :)I look forward to seeing more pictures and hearing about them both.

Hope you enjoy posting on this site - it's great if you have a problem, there is so much info and so many willing to help, and it's great to just chat about bunnies!

~Michaela, Ebony, Pebble, Madison & Angel Bunny Berri~

Aha! I found pictures! I might have to bunnynap those two... :ph34r2

BTW, I recommend putting at least a state in for your location, it helps us answer questions like what good pellets are available, etc as everything is different between areas and countries.
Well lemonaxis, you are wrong. Mama is right!:DDr. John says my little Seltzer isa healthy little girl! I win! :)

The girls have become best friends now, and love to play tag in the livingroom! It's so adorable to watch! They even curl up inside Whiskeys house for a nap when they are done!



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