any tips for calming down Chinny?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
, Nevada, USA
She is still real skittish with us. She willcome up and sniff us, but once we move she's gone. I can hold herbefore play time, and she gets real nervous, breathes fast. The onlytreat so far she'll take is a cheerio, but only out of her cage and sherips it from my fingers and runs lol

Earlier, I went in to sit with her, and she kept thumping at me. Shetried to scratch me the other day when I was trying to get her from hersafe spot. makes me wanna move the changing table so she cant get underit anymore.

She's ok when we hold her before playtime, but once she's loose inthere, she wants nothing to do with us. Just not real sure what weshould or shouldnt be doing right now.

When shes out playing, Ill go in with Caitlyn and we either sit, or layon our tummies and just wait for her to come over, which she does onoccasion. Im wondering if some of its her age?

I forget - how long have you had Chinny?

I got my Netherland Dwarfs ('tweebs we call them) and Flemish on March22nd. It is only now that my dwarfs are becoming comfortablewith letting me hold them and they will sit on my lap for an hour orso. They still don't seek me out - but once I have them andI'm cuddling them - they stay there. I didn't think thatwould ever happen. I have literally spent HOURS with them onan almost-daily basis to get them to this point...

Anyway, my best advice is just to keep on being patient and loving onher and giving her treats. I have made my guys stay in myarms before for 5-10 minutes (we had been giving them medicine and theyhad to learn to be held). I think in our case - that helped alot - because now that they know I'm the "mama bunny"....they will staywith me more.

We've had her close to a month now. Maybe Illjust start taking her out for awhile, but not letting her go to play.Then take her out later for play time. I dont know lol

Here she is, under the changing table in her spot. She was looking at Caitlyn......

Rowena wrote:
We've had her close to a month now. Maybe Ill just starttaking her out for awhile, but not letting her go to play. Then takeher out later for play time. I dont know lol
Aha....I bet you'll find that this next month or so will make a worldof difference. I've seen major changes in my bunnies and howthey treat me within the last 10 days or so....

Yea, Im sure in time she will be a littledifferent. I hope anyhow lol It frustrates Caitlyn, cuz she wants topet the bunny and cuddle the bunny, but Im not sure this bunny is evergonna be that way lol Hopefully as she gets older she gets a littlecalmer so that can happen more.

Thanks :)

TinysMom wrote:
Aha....I bet you'll find that this next month or so willmake a world of difference. I've seen major changes in mybunnies and how they treat me within the last 10 days or so....
Yes, just give her time, and you can see the major changes.

One suggestion is to set up a open space where only you andChinny can sit or lay on the floor andshe can't run out or hide. For example, I movedeverything out of our hallway, so I was the only thing Pebbles couldinteract with.

Another thing is toput Chinny on the stairs and sita few steps below her. This way you can get really close toher while petting her.

You can see Pebbles here on our stairs.......

Rainbows! :angel:
Ok, so maybe take the changing table out? Shegets under it and I cant get her out, and I know if I force the issue,she's gonna bite. She already scratches me if I try to hard lol


oh and the only stairs we have are outside lol Or else Id try that :)
lucy our rabbit has become very scatty and when you go to stroke her she'll run away

i got in touch with our vet who


rescue remedy a tincture made from bach flowers and the results are amazing

4 drops in her water

twice a day

varna xxxx
Rowena wrote:
Ok, so maybe take the changing table out? She gets under itand I cant get her out, and I know if I force the issue, she's gonnabite. She already scratches me if I try to hard lol


oh and the only stairs we have are outside lol Or else Id try that:)
Can you put up a barracade? Block her escaperoute? ;) Does she live inside? Thismight sound weird, but can you move her to thebusiestroom in the house? I hadto do that (really HAD to) with my male. Nowhere else to puthim while waiting to get him neutered. He is now the calmestbunny in the world! Serious. He was subjected to uscoming in and out of the front door. My brother's loudtruck. The phone ringing. And my brother's musicblarring. He is SO much more relaxed than hissister. She is very jumpy, but sweet and getting much morecalm. He isn't bothered by anything! And I agreewith whomever said in a month's time she'll really get comfortable withyou all!
Shes in the house with us, basically right inthe middle of it all. She gets walked by and talked to 100 times a daylol My daughter runs around, the dogs bark. She's pretty calm in hercage. She lays all flopped out. Its just during play time. She likes tobe out and playing, and doesnt want us to be involved in that! LOL Andknows when I go to catch her, she's going back. So Im changing that up.Im catching her during play time for some pets, then letting her go.Then Im catching her at the end, sitting here until she is calmed downwith me, and only then putting her back


How old is she? Is she old enough tobe spayed? I can't remember. If so, I would havethat done. Unfortunately, some rabbits just aren't peoplerabbits. Daisy is like that. She's just difficult,she wasn't as a little thing, but she is now. She will let mepet her, if I'm lucky, but catching her to go back into her cage isreally tough. When I pick her up, looks terrified, so I onlydo it to get her back into the cage. I'm hoping she'll settledown once I get her spayed. She's still a good rabbit, justnot too hands-on.

I didn't even think of this, but I have heardthat females are more offish and shy than males. My tow bunsare the same. Male really outgoing, female is shy.But, she has really come around after her spay! I didn't eventhink of that until Jen posted! ;)

Sounds like my time with Chinny! LOL

She is right around 13 weeks. She was born Feb 12th if Im rememberingright. So I think next month would be time for a spay, which is good,cuz I cant afford it just yet lol

I know some buns just arent ppl buns. Im hoping its just her age andthat we've only had her around a month. Caitlyn did kind of chase heraround during play time and she didnt seem too concerned. She didntlike run super fast, breathe hard. She just kinda hopped out of her wayand then soon Caitlyn caught her and pet her then let her go. Afterdinner, Im going to catch her and sit here with her for a bit.

Thanks! :)

I have an 11 weekold Dutch , who as a baby babyloved being held cuddled andsnuggled then she got to 10weeks and holy crap she is aterror , put your hand in and she islikely to take it off , or at leasttry too . stinker has alreadyonce drawn blood , ( brat ) . one thing Ihave particularly noticed is withDutch they seem to come roundto breeding age very young , thisone is already displayingbreeding aggression , ( lunging , bitingsnorting and growling ) . Its aconstant catch me if you can situation ,and yes very frustrating , Atleast as yet she hasnt beenlike her mother and killed my best pairof sneakers , I agree with whatothers have said , once sheis spayed she may be abit easier to handle , heck shemay even begin to enjoy it( ops i said that in anoutloudy voice donttell Lightning I said that ).LOL they should make it a law thatDutch can be spayed beforetheir 6 month birthday !
Hang in there. When we first got Abby (andValuran for that matter) they pretty much wanted nothing to do with us.Abby would run away like we were going to do something awful to her!

Now they both love being pet - on their own terms of course, but I'velearned with rabbits that you have to go with their flow, ifthat makes any sense.
Well, we are just gonna keep doing what we'redoing and hope lol Caitlyn just HAD to have this one! LOL She was themost active in the store, and when we went to pet her she was like NOWAY and hid in the corner lol Im like: Dont you want a calmer bunny?She said: NO lol

I am hoping once spay time comes around and it gets done, then she'llcalm down. She hasnt tried to bite yet, but she will scratch us.

Bunnies hehe


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