any suggestions?

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Mar 12, 2005
Reaction score
Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, USA
i am gathering everything i need for when my newbuns come home. i have cages already but i need: feeders, litter pans,toys,water bottles, pellet and hay. i know what waterbottles, pellet,and hay i am getting, but could you guys give me some suggestions onwhatsome ofyourand your buns favoritefeeders, litter pans and toys are?
You must be so excited. I am also gettingsome new family members. I ordered my feeders, litter pans and restingboards.from the Bass Equipment Company
I ordered the large mouth fine-x feeders. The litter pans have a screen inside.

As for toys, I will bump up a post called toys that has somereally awesome ideas in it. As to litter I'm going to be getting WoodyPet. Everyone here has convinced me. It's cheap and it works.


For bedding, WoodyPet or Pine Shavings are ideal,never cedar, the fumes are toxic, and can cause lung damage. Same is"believed" with Pine, but, i've always used pine because the area wherewe keep our cages is well-ventilated..

A Warm Welcome to the forum!:D

bojay wrote:
HoodieRat wrote:
could youguys give me some suggestions on whatsomeofyourand your buns favorite feeders, litter pansand toys are?
Don't forget the digital camera!!!!!!!!
That's a major one! lol

Depending upon what size your bunny is; litterpan size can reallyaffect their habbits I believe. Bo had problems with notwanting to use one outside of his cage.... well it was much smaller andharder to get his whole body in and comfy. Now, he has alarger corner style outside his cage and a large squareinside. He's doing very well now and as long as he's not inthe carpeted room, he's not wet outside of one since I gotit. (he thinks carpet is grass I believe... :X)

Bo loves his cat toys. He has the barrel shaped toy with abell inside. I have to check them now and then to make surehe's not eating the plastic but he's pretty good about it.

He also loves cardboard..... nice tissue boxes with all plastic andtissues out, poptart boxes and things he can throw.

Last night he found something that he didn't like and tried to killit....... THE REMOTE! It was an evil remote. Itneeded to be killed because it was......


The remote has 3 less buttons now....... :X

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Last night he found something that he didn't like and triedto kill it....... THE REMOTE! It was an evilremote. It needed to be killed because it was......


The remote has 3 less buttons now....... :X
Oh, I've replaced so many remotes. I think they must just be evil to all animals.


If my bunnies get the remote my husband would beso mad. It's his life. lol. He dont relize that you can usethe buttons on the tv haha
lol! on our old direct TV remote, the hamster gotonto it, and bit off a chunk of button, good thing we were planning onswitching to DishNetwork in two weeks! Good luck with your bun! Send inpictures!




Here are a few feeder ideas from Petsmart:

These 2 let the dust fall through the little holes on the bottom. They're for pellets:

Or you canchoosecrocks or bowls .

For hay you can use hay racks oryou can also use crocks.

For water you can use crocks or water bottles

and for vegetables you can use

For more ideas you can go to or

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
Your buns have the same names as mine? Why do you have my buns' names on there?


Wow! That certainly is a very strange coincidence.

Hi Hoodierat. :)
Those rabbits are adorable.

Carolyn wrote:
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
Your buns have the same names as mine? Why do you have my buns' names on there?


Wow! That certainly is a very strange coincidence.

Hi Hoodierat. :)
Those rabbits are adorable.

I was thinking..... "why did bram change names?" :p That is so cool!but very confusing! LOL!

Hoodie it's great to see them. They are soooo gorgeous! Bramble looks like he has a bunnytude???


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