any sugestions would be great

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

its just a question about lucys food

lucy loves coriander basil cabbage greens cauliflower stalks and her pellets and timothy hay and her water

does anyone else have any surgestions as what to give her

as i think she must get bored with litally the same things

varna xxxx
You can give her parsley as well.
Also, little bits of banana or apple as a treat a couple times a week she'd probably appreciate.
Hi Varna!

Many rabbits love dandelion greens. Don't know if you can getthem in England, but they sell them here in the US at the grocerystores. They also like parsley. I'd offer her agarlic clove and see if she like it.(It's great forthem.) Tucker loves it and it's good for them, but Tucker isa bit of an odd-ball when it comes to spices/hot stuff. Hegoes crazy for it.

Would be careful of broccoli as it can give them gas. GreenPepper is something she might like to nibble on as well.Could also try some celery.Apples, bananas, pears all getgobbled down quickly in my house, but because of the high sugarcontent, they get a very small amount and only once in awhile.

For more ideas, you might check out the Cheat Sheet, look up the postthat says Safe Foods for Rabbits.'s a lot of good ideas in there.


My buns used to get romaine and escarole.

I used to by carrots with the tops on, too. That way they could get asmall piece of carrot and/or carrot tops as well(2 items forone).

I tried spinach, but they weren't too crazy about it.
I collect the tops off the carrots at thegrocery store and they let me have them for free. You canalsotry cilantro, mint, dill - Cookie loves just about anynice smelling herb.

Carolyn - garlic is good for them? Really? Thanks for the tip! - I willtry some on Cookie tonight... just whatI wanted - garlicbreath bunny kissies.



My buns love cilantro. Also watercress is a favorite in my herd :p

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