Any Bunny Translators Out There?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2011
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So in the past week or two, Indy has come up with a new behaviour that is a little disruptive. To me. While I'm sleeping. She's always been a bit of a wildcard when it comes to the territory of my bed, but at least before I could make sense of it.

She doesn't have a cage, and has full access to my room at all times, which has lead to interesting situations when I'm sleeping.

Our regular schedule, she usually wakes me up once between 4am and 6am for her breakfast, which I just put on the floor for her to eat, no biggie - but lately she's been waking me up throughout the night before and after breakfast. I was a little worried that I created a monster because I do give her breakfast so early, but yesterday and this morning she woke me up numerous times and then at 6am I just... wasn't allowed to move. If I tried to lay back down she would nip me and if I tried to get up she would charge at my feet. I had to bend my knees and she used me as a tunnel/speedbump. This was well after her breakfast and after my alarm had gone off. When I eventually scampered off my bed she followed me around my room (politely) while I got ready for work.

What are the chances this is a game, and HOW DO I PLAY IT?

I guess I should also mention her method of waking me up is gnawing on my pillow or digging into my arm. Is there any significance to that? I'm not fluent in bunny yet, clearly.
She's a year...ish? Found as a stray so its uncertain. They think she was relatively young though. And she is spayed. Has been spayed since April of this year, so I think that is mostly not an issue.
That would be a first! Maybe I'll sleep with her brush. Then she'll become mysteriously absent once she sees it.

She didn't play the "You move, I keel you" game this morning. But I did get a face full of bunny-nose at 3. and 4. and 6 haha. I guess Imma have to adapt to her sleeping habits - little naps here and there. She clearly does not approve of my laziness.
Do you really want to be on bunny's sleeping schedule? You are teaching her it is ok.
Personally I like my sleep. Any shenanigans after lights out and before my alarm are totally ignored. I'm used as a speed bump some, but nothing too major. Breakfast is first thing after I get back from the bathroom. My pair prance around the food dish waiting until I get back, but thoes are the rules. It didn't take my little one too long to catch on. My older one that I've had more more than a year loose in the bedroom never questioned the practice since that is how it was since I brought her home.
Any behavior you recognise in any way during the night, even just to move for the bun, will encourage even more. :)
Rabbits need boundaries, just like cats, dogs, and kids. You let them rule the roost, and they will. ;)

My suggestion: when you're sleeping, she isn't allowed on the bed. Boot her off every time she wakes you up. And not nicely either. Give her a shove onto the floor. Obviously, don't hurt her, but you need to show her you're the boss and the bed is yours and you have a right to sleep in it.


Hope that helps!

when im in bed, im in bed and if they think banging around is going to get them 'play time' there mistaken, they've tried it a few times but i soon cottoned on and i think they did too that it just dont work out like that lol, as soon as i get up it breakfast and play time and they wait patiently as soon as they see me getting out of my slumber :p
Yup, bunnies need boundaries. If she's persistent, and you treasure your sleep (I know I do!) you might wish to get her a cage for night time that you can put somewhere else--or else let her sleep in the bathroom if you don't want to go the cage route (naughty bunnies often like to rattle cage doors/bars any way). :rollseyes

Otherwise, I'd gently make her get off the bed. You need your rest, too! ;)
I just have an air mattress on the floor, and when Q-tip was going through her cage rattling phase where she didn't let me sleep at all, I would leave her out during the night and she'd come up and wake me during the night. I think a lot of it was "hey mom, I'm lonely. I wanna play, but you're sleeping." When she realized all I was going to do was pull the blanket over my head and ignore her, she took to just snuggling up next to my head. Periodically, she'll lick me or try to get under the blanket, but she lets me nap in peace now.
Ignoring bunny when you're sleeping seemed to work for this little devil.
I recently put my rabbit in my room to sleep, it was hard at first since he has such odd hours, but I thought it was better then keeping him in the bathroom all night. I tried one night keeping him in my room with free run but he was just nuts. He kept jumping on my head in the middle of the night. The next day I went online and purchased a dog pen. Best investment I ever made. Now I put him in there at night with all his toys and food he needs and when I am around he gets free run. He still makes noise at night but at least I know he won't jump on my head anymore...

Link to Pen I purchased

I ordered it from amazon for around 70 dollars, It wasn't that expensive since I know I will get many years of use out of it. Since the panels are easily removable, if I want to pen off my bed, that works too. That way he still gets free play in my room but won't jump on my bed. I also like it because it doesn't look as ugly as the metal ones. I know he is much happier since he has so much room to jump and play. :rabbithop
Good luck with your rabbit :D
Aw, poor bunnies! You guys aren't any fun! :D

Unfortunately if you have a single rabbit, you are the mate. No getting around that. And that comes with obligations. Bunnies want to socialize with their friends/mates.

You can adjust your hours to the bunnies (take midday and late evening naps), or get the bunny to adjust to your hours (wake the bunny up and play for eight hours, bunny will sleep in!).

Or get the bunny a friend who keeps the same hours. :coolness:

sas :bunnydance: :running bunny
I think the bunnies can adjust to your schedule too. I give her lots of playtime in the morning and evenings. As long as we keep to a regular schedule things run smoothly. On my days off from work, she get to be out of her room all day long which really wears her out. I also let her stay up late on the nights I do, she get to come out after dinner which is a great treat. She used to make a lot of noise when I was sleeping and still sometimes she does but I ignore it and she stops. She did have a party on Thanksgiving night which still makes me laugh. It was a rabbit only party and she wasn't talking about it. What a mess her room was. She carpeted her room with the pages of the phone book and spread her toys out as best as she could through the whole room. My own little interieor designer.

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