Any Big Brother fans?

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The British version finished a few weeks ago. Ilove the programme! It was one of the best this year (and i've watchedall 7 of them since i was about 8!). The winner has tourettes so therewas a huge uproar about how we could put an "ill" person intot he housebut he turned out to be the best character and was the favourite to winfor the whole course fo the show. Go Pete! Plus lots of people fanciedhim (in the house, and he's pretty nice for us lot outside too!) and ifound a picture of him STARK NAKED on tinypic the other day!:shock:Score!
I do watch it (the brit version tho;)), howeverit's really gone down hill, the first and 3rd series were the best, nowit's just a bunch of weird people sitting around doing nothing! For allyour brits who watched it though- How did Glyn not win!? He wasbrilliant!Pete was nice, but boring! I don't really think hedeserved to win.Love you Glyn!:hug:
I agree..... Pete was good and nice and i thinkhe and Glynn should have drawn! Glynn was my FAVOURITE from thebeginning when everyone said "err.. why do you like him!"

"I'm boiling an egg for the very first time! A hummm A hummm!"

And did anyone see the caption fro him in Closer magazine? When theygot the cake with the key to the secret house in the prison task? "Dothey not ahve cake in Wales?"
I'm a Janelle fan, too, Steph! She's a machine!

I really liked James the most and would have liked him to win, though.

What is up with Howie and all the drama he's causing in the Juryhouse?

I don't like Boogie or Erica. So I'm voting for Janelle.
I was a James and Chicken George Fan. I neverreally liked Janelle in her season nor this season till now. Erica andBoogiehas just been coasting along under the wing of theDoctor. Janelle has practically been fighting for herself since week 5when Kaysar left.

The finale is September 12th. Tonight is when we find out who is in the final 2! :D
I was/am a huge Danielle fan. I'm glad the doctor finally paid for his misdeeds!

I've never seen such a badly behaved person as Howie! His poor mother!

The finale is definitely Sept 12th. We're having a party at my house!
Oh dear :embarrassed:I didnt knowthere was an American version of BB! I thought the englishone showed everywhere.. Durr me

I watched the first ever BB and I was addicted to it, and I watched afew of the 2nd, but then the rest got really boring and I was put offit.

But I was watching it round my mates house once, and it was when thewomen with the FAKE ****s who got voted out. It just showshow fake the programe is really!

Oh and Pete was hot! :D

Loadz of people have been complaining about the new other house theyare having? I dont really understand it! Can anyoneexplain?!

jordiwes wrote:
The finale is definitely Sept 12th. We're having a party at my house!
Can I come?!

I'm bummed that Janelle got booted. She deserved to win out of those three.

I really don't want Mike to win, but I don'tlike Erica,either, so I really don't care at this point. Mike is a realscumbag for the things he said about Erica last night.

It would have been cool to see James, Will and Janelle as the final three.

Check out this board:,48.0.html

Laura wrote:
Can I come?!

I'm bummed that Janelle got booted. She deserved to win out of those three.

I really don't want Mike to win, but I don'tlike Erica,either, so I really don't care at this point. Mike is a realscumbag for the things he said about Erica last night.

It would have been cool to see James, Will and Janelle as the final three.

Yes, please come and bring the bunny cousins!

I am bummed about Janelle too. Mike is such a hypocrite for getting madat Erica for outsting Will when they were about to do the same thing toher!

I guess I'm voting for Erica although I stopped really caring when Danielle left.

Linz_1987 wrote:
Oh dear :embarrassed:I didnt know there was anAmerican version of BB! I thought the english one showedeverywhere.. Durr me

We even have the Aussie version:)

cheryl13 wrote:
Linz_1987 wrote:
Oh dear:embarrassed:I didnt know there was an American version ofBB! I thought the english one showed everywhere..Durr me

We even have the Aussie version:)


I think there are versions all over the world! I'm sure when my sisterlived in France...or maybe when she lived in Italy she used to watchtheir version of BB, it was called something else though!:)

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