If she has everything she needs she should do perfectly fine. As long as she has her babies in the nest, which she is likely to do if she has already made it, they should be fine.
My experiences with a first-time mom:
One that I has from the time shw was 8 weeks old, I recently bred her and she had 3 kits. Strangely they were spaced out over several hours, and only one made it into the nestbox. The other two died. But I am not blaming her or nature or anything, because it is only her first litter, and she has plenty more chances to do it right. The one kit that she is raising is doing brilliantly, and is huge, so maybe next time she will be ready to raise more than one.
Another first-time doe whom we didn't even know was pregnant, because it was an accidental breeding, had been shown at two weeks pregnant and then switched houses that she was living at. She delivered her litter without a nestbox or anything, but she was living in a plastic-bottom cage at the time. She had 3 kits as well. We gave her a nestbox and moved her babies into it and everything. She took care of them perfectly and they have all grown up big and strong. Her daughter recently had a litter of 4.
Best of luck with Mira, and don't worry too much, like they always say, every rabbit is different, and you won't know what you've got 'til you get there. Just let nature take its course.