Any advice about Wild Cottontail?

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May 1, 2011
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Greenville, South Carolina, USA
I was brought a baby wild cottontail that has deformed legs, it cannot hop but rather "scoots" on it's side. I've had her for almost two years now. I've never had any experience with this before, so I did a LOT of researching online to find out answers. I also searched for a wildlife rehabilitator to take her in, but was actually told that it sounds like I was doing a good job, so I should just keep her! Anyway, what I found out from my researching, and what has worked very well for me, was to keep her diet pretty much the same as if in the wild. When I first got her she must have only been about three weeks old. I feed her brocolli, brussel sprouts, carrots, celery, and herbs, finely chopped in a food processor.I found out that wasn't the best diet for a cottontail, they areactually VERY different than domestic bunnies and the best diet forcottontails is what you find inthe yard. So I feed mineweeds, grass, tree saplings, little branches, flowers, buds, and especially clovers! I keep a small log with bark in her hutch for her to chew on, as well as lots of fresh hay. I use the softest hay I can get and sprinkle in some timothy hay as well. I use pellets with the alfalfa in them, you can actually get at Wal-Mart! I hang a water bottle on the side and only use water that has been boiled! This is important to protect their gut. She has a bamboo house (it's for cats, also available at Wal-Mart) to sleep in and use an empty oatmeal box with the wrapper taken off and the bottom cut out for her to tunnel through and play with. Sadly, she's outgrowing her cage and I think she is getting "pissed" about it and getting bored. I want to make her a habitat that she can get on the ground some and feel the grass and eat to her hearts content. I would love toget some advice aboutcottontails and be able to make her life better.
I don't know anything about cottontails, unfortunately, but I hope someone who does sees your post! If you're keeping her outside in a hutch, maybe you could get one of those hutch extentions, the one's that add space at the bottom. That's assuming she can use a ramp...and you'd have to bury chicken wire so she can't dig out! If you're looking to go all-out and spare no expense, you could get an outdoordog kennel, they can be quite large. I'm assuming she can't jump much, so floor space is probably important. If it is an option, you could consider bringing her inside and give her the run of a room, like the kitchen. Let us know!
They make rabbit wheelchairs. I've seen them on online pictures but can't remember the website. I'd go that route. Also, i got snookered into buying some bunnies that the guy said were domestic babies (i liked the agouti colouring). Given their personalities and body build, i'm sure they are wild rabbits now. They eat what my domestic bun eats and they are fine.

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