Another Poll :)

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What's your favorite COLORING on a rabbit?

  • solid black

  • agouti

  • white with black spots

  • mix of all sorts of colors! :)

  • brown

  • harlequin color

  • albino

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I have no favorite color. Honestly. That's impossible for me to pick :)
I can't pick either, so I chose mix of all sorts of colors. :p Because technically that is how I feel. ^^ Doesn't have to be a mix of all sorts on one bun. I have two otter colored, but that was just because they happened to both be that color.
I just can't decide. Haha. I like any color as long as it's a rabbit. I will feel bad for one of my bunny if had to choose a color. :bunny22:
I love them all but I love the broken chinchilla color (light grey with white). My very first bunny was this color and ever since then I have not been able to find one that color.

Currently right now I have:

Broken opal and broken black.

My citrus who passed away was a broken blue otter.
I breed Castor Mini Rex for 4 years so I am fond of that color. I think that Broken Blacks are STUNNING. My all time favorite rabbit was a Harlequin. There are lots of colors to choose from. I have a friend that breeds Himi Mini Rex. Her rabbits are AMAZING. (1 of her Himi Mini Rex won 3 BIS in 1 weekend).
all of the rabbits i've had in my lifetime always had multipole colors for some reason :) so i guess im a multi-colored bunny fan haha

i dont think anyone should buy/adopt a rabbit based on their colors. personality is important too :)
Of course, i agree with you, Patches2593, i was just curious what colors people liked ;)
Me too - I like all colors - I love all bunnies - you bring a bunny home and they capture your heart no matter what the color. Those cherry red eyes melt my heart - and now my Landy`s beautiful brown have captured my heart as well. So once you get to know a bunny I think it doesnt matter what color he or she is.
Me too - I like all colors - I love all bunnies - you bring a bunny home and they capture your heart no matter what the color. Those cherry red eyes melt my heart - and now my Landy`s beautiful brown have captured my heart as well. So once you get to know a bunny I think it doesnt matter what color he or she is.
Me too - I like all colors - I love all bunnies - you bring a bunny home and they capture your heart no matter what the color. Those cherry red eyes melt my heart - and now my Landy`s beautiful brown have captured my heart as well. So once you get to know a bunny I think it doesnt matter what color he or she is.
I've always liked the agouti, sooty foot agouti, sandy, fawn colors. Remind me of the wild hares. Not a fan of the REW and chinchilla. Of course now I own a chinchilla Frenchie and he's perfect!
I love black & white, tan or grey & white and solid black bunnies but I have yet to meet/see a bun (of any color) that didn't steal my heart. :)

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