another pet

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
so we took a trip to meijer's last night (a major grocery store) and they sell birds and some small pets along with fish. . .

my roommate and i now owna very pregnant female goldenhamster named olga. . . we felt so bad for her that we brought herhome. . . the thought of her having babies at some un-experianced home,or worse, in the store made us take her

at least we are semi-sure she is pregnant. . . i can't believe shewould get that fat by herself. . . but we will know within the week. . .

she is so nice though. . . comes right up for rubs. . .

anyone want a free hamster when the babies are old enough?
Awww, poor thing!

I too adopted a hamster yesterday-- he has an eye infectionand absolutely no front incisors. And he was infested with mites, butthose are gone now that I've treated him for them. He's a real sweetietoo.

I hope you find great homes for the little ones, and I'm glad you rescued her from that place!
well, your rescue sounds way far worse then what mine is. . .

she is super cute, and very friendly. . . which is one of the reasonswe are questioning if she is preggers or not. . . i guess hamsters aresuppose to get very aggressive when expecting. . .

but she is pear shaped, and i think we see the nipples (which i guessis another key sign of being pregnant) . . . she is very big. . . ikeep calling her tubby. . .

i want to take photos of her, but all the sites say to stay away fromphoto taking as the flash might stress her out. . . but i might get 1or 2 as she really doesn't seem stressed out about much of anything (imean, she was perfectly happy being picked up and petted the moment wegot her home out of the box. . .

we do have to get a bigger wheel, the one she has is to small for her(it wouldn't be, except she is so fat right now). . . she runs andruns, then slips off it. . . it is kinda funny

we are still unsure if she is pregnant or not, i guess we will knowwithin 16 days (that is how long syrian hamsters are pregnant for). . .although givin her size, we expect that if she is pregnant and not justfat



she is such a sweet girl. . . loves to be held, absolutely loves it. . .

She is darling! I would love to have her and/orthe babies! We miss our dear "friend" terribly. He was a very very oldman when he died.
Any babies? I am going through the same thing right now with a rescued mouse.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts

not that i know of

but sometime during the night, she moved her current nest into another corner. . .

this morning when i woke up she didn't get up with me, which shenormally does for a morning pet (i am telling you, i have never had ahamster love me so much. . . and only after a few days). so to check onthings i opened up her cage, and gave her a pet on the back. . . shedidn't get up. . . i can't see her face (only a little bit of her backis showing). . . so i can't tell if she is still asleep, or justignoring me

so there might be babies in there right now, or she is sleeping, or sheis dead. . . i am going to leave a note for my roommate to check on herlater. i don't want to be to invasive with her right now incase thereare some babies with her.

how is the mouse?
Aww, how cute. I lovehamsters. My hamster got pregnant and was still very friendlyeven after she had the babies. I'd take a baby, but I live a long wasfrom you
Awww.....I hope your hammie is doing alright!

The mouse is great. I don't want to lift up her igloo to check hernest. I read that I can listen for the babies "chirping", so that Iknow if there are any or not. I can't hear anything, but she has beenspending a lot of time in the nest.

I am hoping she is having some and isn't playing tricks on me because I am worried sick!

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts

still no babies

but she is larger then ever so we will see.

i hope your mouse is okay amy. . .

she is rather adorable, and i think she know it.

we couldn't figure out why seeds are on the floor so far away from hercage until last night. she was on her level eating and i was in a chairnear the cage (her cage is on a bookshelf right by our dining roomtable) and i look over just in time for her to pick up a seed, take anibble, then toss the seed out of the cage and across the room.

guess she didn't like it.
Our girls are just waiting to see how long one of us explodes.....whether its us or them!

My mousie is looking rather large. I hope she has them soon. I am getting way too excited and nervous.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts

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